-27- D̶ ̶a̶ ̶y̶ ̶O̶ ̶n̶ ̶e̶

28 1 0

A/n: No moral explanations, just gonna jump in. Let's ride in!


Conversely after the shower last night, you snuggled up with Charlize and it took some convincing and begging of wanting to be the big spoon. Charlize said she should be the big spoon because she's "Older"  God, you could laugh at that statement. On the other hand she gave in, and fell asleep rather fast of being the smaller spoon. So much for not wanting to be the smaller spoon.
        Stirring in your slumber you somehow whined against Charlize's flushed naked chest.
Prying your eyes open, you sat up and stretched out. Looking behind you, your girlfriend was still sleeping soundly.
Removing the sheets from your body, walking naked freely to your case. Making sure to be quiet, not wanting to wake the sleeping beauty. With a few hours to spare, you decided to wake up everyone with a surprise breakfast. Yet that would take a quick trip to the food market, or the closest one.
Throwing on some sweats and a white fitted t-shirt. You left the room, remembering to take the room key to get back in. You left out the hotel and gotten the keys from the ballet worker, and you were off...

Barging back into the room with all items equipped and payed for. Placing the plastic bags on the counter, you began unraveling the food and putting them up in designated spots. Though leaving out the breakfast items you were to cook.
Luckily the resort provided utensils, which was heaven on your side. Getting out pots and pans. You started assembling the food, settling on eggs, bacon, and half of the worlds favourite, pancakes.
Placing them on a platter, you took them over to the small dining table. And headed off to your next stop, opening the door to the west side bedroom. Going over to August, you shook her lightly... "Hey Auggie, hun. Time to get up, breakfast is made" You muttered warmly. Getting a groan.— "Five more minutes lovey" August mumbled, still with her eyes screwed shut. Your mouth upturned, wanting to hysterically laugh, as she mistaken you for Charlize.
       "It's Y/n, August. Breakfast is ready" You chuckled a little, of the previous events. Opening one eye, the little one instantly shut her eye back. Embarrassed... You laughed and patted her arm softly before going over to Jackson.
            Just as you was about to shake Jackson awake... "I wouldn't do that... Jackson doesn't like to be awaken early. That's if school is an option" Which anyone could agree with such a statement, who wouldn't sleep in, if school or work wasn't an option for said day.
         Letting a laugh surpass "What's the worst that can happen?" You giggled.

Though... the worst did happen... let's say, you were being introduced to a new tradition. You wake JJ up early, and you get whacked by a pillow. Which then you bribed August into helping you take her down by a tickle hostage frenzy.
        You only stopped till Jackson was begging you both to, through out of breath giggles.
               You finally managed to get the two girls out of the room. However, August clung to your hip, while Jackson was on your back.
      Just reaching the end of the hall, you saw Charlize reaching the end of the other hall— wrapped in a robe. Probably not bothering to throw on some clothes.

A familiar sensation hiked it's way to her face "This is a sight to wake up to" Charlize mused.— "Only if you knew, what it took to get to this point" You joked. Getting a few offended 'hey's'
       Leaning down a bit. Allowing both August and Jackson, to climb down.
        Seeing the food on the table they both dashed to take a seat.
          "Take whatever you want, there's plenty. I'll grab some drinks" You informed.— "I'll help you out" Charlize proposing her ethics.

Following you to the kitchen, which had a length wall for privacy. Retrieving four cups and going over to the fridge, taking the orange juice. You just purchased. "Was this room service?" Charlize questioned. Watching you pour equal amounts into two cups, the others still unattended.
     "Nope, I woke up early and went out. I thought why not save money, as your definition would be to expensive. And what's better than a home cook meal" Praising yourself.— Hearing a small snicker from a distance, next a hug from behind. Along with a kiss pressed behind your left ear... "Thank you for doing this, it was very thoughtful of you" The blonde muttered distinctly... "No need to thank me baby, think of it as payback, of you allowing me to come along. Though, you are the most welcome" You countered with a verdict of your own.

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