-13- W̶ ̶h̶ ̶a̶ ̶̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶r̶ ̶e̶ ̶w̶ ̶e̶?

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A/n: Explanation? None, let's ride in!


Charlize's POV:

Harshly as it seemed. The event kept haunting me once I arrived home. I couldn't help but let my thoughts race back to what Emily directed towards me.
I know it's wrong for me not to inform Y/n about by career, hell I'm truly am scared.
I didn't want this to affect Y/n, to affect me, to affect us...


Back to third person:

After the event, likely far more than over, Charlize had you driven home and told you that the dress was a gift and you could keep it along with the handbag. And like always. You profusely refused such an offer, any items in your apartment did add up to an extreme number. But the items alone didn't exceed a limit over a thousand dollars.

Yet Charlize- always had an way of convincing you. You had smiled and said your farewells, and then she was gone.

Being driven to her home for now while she's in town, she stumbled the halls; stopping at a door. Charlize had checked in on her eldest sleeping daughter- Jackson. She was content, seeing her jewel sleep so soundly, she walked over and planted a kiss to her temple before exiting the room.

Retracting the door, she approached the one across. Slightly creaking, she treaded over to her youngest, August. Sleeping sound.
A sincere grin slapped her face and she placed a tender kiss against her noggin.
Everything was weighted, the kisses, the atmosphere. Her heart, all from the talk she recently had with Emily.

With a sigh she stood tall from leaning and started to head for the door, abruptly- she came to a holt. By a low, sleepy, high-pitched voice.
"Lovey?" It whispered.

Turning, she saw August rubbing her eyes one already starting to open from the darkness. With a turn she went over and sat on the bed carefully "Yes baby?" Charlize muttered back.

"You took forever" August grumbled sleepily. Bringing a hand to her daughter's cheek, letting it glide dearly. "I know baby, I'm sorry"

Still lying down but eyes fully opened; A soft smile invaded her face, "You can make it up" Hinting a mischievous manner.
"Yeah? Charlize chortled.

August nodded, without hesitation.

"How can lovey make it up?" Charlize quizzed.- "If you snuggle me" August raved.

"Alright, I can work with that" Charlize giggled.

"Can lovey go shower first?"

"Fine, but hurry! I want snuggles" August demanded.

"Yes ma'am" Charlize disclosed.


Eventually getting situated, Charlize spent the night with her daughter. She was planning to snuggle August until she fell back to sleep again, however. That was unlikely, as sleep manage to swallow her whole. And so she slept, slept like there was no tomorrow, in the comfort of her house, the comfort in her daughter's arm. This was peace for her. Essentially from the day she endured.

Ever more, morning did happen to tumble around pretty... fast. And let's just say, she had one heck of an awakening.
Feeling the bed dip down repeatedly, her eardrums getting decimated by shouts of
'Wake up' or perhaps 'Lovey and mommy'

With a grumbled she let her eyes tread open, and the girls stopping their actions. With Jackson flopping on the side of Charlize on August's bed and August landing on top of Charlize. "Jesus Christ, warning next time" Charlize grunted softly.

"Morning lovey" August retorted.- "Morning baby" Charlize remarked warmly, her free hand playing with the curls of her youngest locks.
"Good morning mommy" Jackson voiced.

"Good morning love, how'd you sleep?"

"I should be asking you that, you had to sleep with August"

"Hey!" August whined.

Charlize just let out a heartfelt cackle, this was a daily thing within the Theron household.
"Okay, up up. I'm starving" Groaning as she sat up and getting up from the bed with August clung to her waist. Jackson right beside.

Breakfast was a splurge, and the kitchen was a mighty mess- The girls decided to make pancakes from scratch and that just led to flour everywhere and eventually. Their pyjamas covered in batter mix.

"Surprisingly, these are decent" The comment being let out after the bite was taken.

"Because we're chefs lovey"


"Duh, it's only good because I made it" Jackson stated proudly.

"Okay missy, calm down. You're not Gordon Ramsay" Charlize snickered.

"Of course I'm not Gordon Ramsay mommy, I'm Jackson Theron" Jackson informed matter of factly.- "Ooo, boss lady mode today?"

And eager nod was given and a giggle and snicker was out in return.- "Alright hurry up and eat, I'm taking you guys out today. To have fun"

"Where are we going?" Jackson pondered.

"Anywhere you like, you guys can chose our destination" A soft grin appearing, as she saw the girls make eye contact. The excitement already dancing in their eyes; they didn't even finished their breakfast as they had dashed out the kitchen.

Shaking her head, Charlize began collecting the plates and glasses, to place in the sink for cleaning.

While also texting you after the cleaning, to see if you wanted to come out and spend the day. She was assure you'd decline as you literally had spent the night with her; not mentioning with the club, or the restaurant. Yet, you on the other hand couldn't have been happier.
You enjoyed Charlize's company, your heart craved her attention and not really seemingly. She craved yours too, otherwise she'd dropped everything, and leave. Leave for your sanity and beliefs, to let everything go back to normal.

She continuing on with her career and you working and enjoying your family.

Though you didn't want normal and Charlize didn't either. Why be normal when you can be extraordinary? When you can be different, change a narrative per-say.
So, no sanity's would be saved. No beliefs would be saved. The only thing being saved, was the beating hearts that kept either of you alive.

As you was the culprit of robbing hers and Charlize, well... was the fool who allowed it to happen...


(This chapter was a bit shorter, however a part two is matched with this)

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