-14- W̶ ̶h̶ ̶a̶ ̶̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶r̶ ̶e̶ ̶w̶ ̶e̶? (2)

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A/n: I will try to get to the narrative faster, however I am quite enjoying the engaging of Charlize and her daughters.

They're so adorable, anyways I'm still young. So let me stop going baby crazy.

Yet, let's ride in!

(But no seriously, babies are so cute. They're like little beans)

P.s: This may be a long chapter-


Everyone was dressed and out the door, and thankfully in the car. Ready to enjoy the day, but a quick stop had to be made.

"Mommy where are we?" Jackson quizzed.

"Mommy's friend is joining us today, is that alright?"

"Ooo, yes!" August exclaimed.

"More the merrier" Jackson stated.

Charlize's heart couldn't help but flutter, watching her eldest grow up so fast. And she already speaks highly mature, so it was just a wholesome moment for her.
You had waltzed over to the vehicle parked in front of your complex, at the passenger side. You had got in, the door conversely shutting behind.

"You're pretty" You heard a little voice, however being startled. You looked back and saw two munchkins in the back seat.

A smile invaded that perfect face and you happen to glance over to Charlize "Guys, this is mommy's friend. Y/n"

"I'm August!" She raised her hand to wave and your heart just melted.

"And I'm Jackson" She gave a grin.

"Well it is my pleasure to meet you guys, I'm Y/n" Even though Charlize already introduced you to them when you entered, you wanted to be direct. To be formal and present.
With their cheerful grins— you turned back in your seat and Charlize spoke.

"Alright guys, game plan. Where are we going?"

"Ice cream!" August shouted.

"The zoo!" Jackson countered.

"Horsey ride in the park!" August suggested once more

Yourself couldn't help but smile at the subtle altercation, it was genuine. Charlize just had the biggest ear to ear smug smirk ever, you could sense that she enjoyed her girls behaving like this. You however, couldn't agree more.
"Why not all three?" You commented.

"I like the way you think" Jackson uttered.

You and Charlize shared a laugh, and she just nodded "Okay, we can do all three" She stated through a laugh.


Arriving at the Central Park Zoo, you guys planned to tend an hour here and nothing more. Since it was one in the afternoon, and with driving to place to place that would exceed the twenty-four hours. Ever more, the time when shops or places would shut down for the day.
       Tickets already in hand, the girls instantly dashed to the giraffes section.

Todays was a lucky day for all contenders, the workers were allowing people to feed them lettuce. And August and Jackson was one excited mess.

"Lovey, can we feed the giraffes?!"

"Yea mommy, can we? Please!"

"Of course, go ahead. Don't get too close or they'll snatch you up" She laughed.

And they were off, each receiving a piece of lettuce. Already sticking a hand out and instantly did a giraffe come sniff the food— before munching on it.
Watching the girls from afar. You glanced over to Charlize "Lovey huh?" You giggled.

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