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A/n: This chapter is going to take a minor new administration, This is purely Ava's POV. While-as I'll be going back a few chapters, not fully though, anyhow. Let's ride in!


Hi guys, I'm Ava! Wait.... God why am I introducing myself, you're supposed to already know who I am. Well to put it blankly— I'm your best-friend's girlfriend.

There was a day where I was sick, couldn't come into work. Nothing. I was tired and stressed and had a terrible cold, but that didn't stop me from being a supportive friend. You had called me frantic, in a good way. You were going on a date. Well at first it started off weird with this stranger, but in the end it flipped into something.... more.
                  But why am I giving you a run down of this? You just read like nine chapters of your life. God, keep up alright?

When you had told me about this individual who took you on this date, per-say, your whole life narrative change. Something was different— you was happier and it melted my heart seeing you so upset and estranged, when something... occurred. It was like you grew tremendously close to this random human.

That was all until you got news they had to head to California for.... What was it again?
      Right! 'Business'

For their job. Anyways you fell into this hole and you even missed a few days of work, which I had to cover for once I wasn't sick anymore. I hate you for that and you owe me. Got that?

Now, back to the narrative. It happened to be a day I got off my shift, went home, showered, then bought a bottle of wine. Your favourite, why not cheer you up?

Pulling up to your apartment I scrolled through my contacts, clicking on your name. The ring tone going through was brutal "Hello?" You finally answered.
Finishing my walk— I was now at your door. "Open your door" I uttered.

"Wh- Are you? Are you at my door?!" You were practically screaming and man was my eardrum begging to be spared.

Exactly seven seconds dismissed and the door flew open, quickly. I raised the bottle up with a smile fluttering the atmosphere.
"You madame needs a drink with a fellow companion, which is me obviously" Not even letting you get a word out and I already bypassed your speechless corpse.

Okay pause. We're just gonna skip this minor mediocre conversation. You should already know what happened here, why don't we just fast-forward to the couch scene? Yea? I mean, I Ava Throne is a prone to drama. I mean who isn't? As long as I'm not involved and is only getting the tea, then slap me silly and call me a mosquito. Because trust and believe I'm coming for more fuel, until you decide to um...

Yea you get the reference, anyways go!

"So who was it?" I questioned, obviously I had to ask. You never were this mentally absent, especially if it was just me and you hanging around.

"Who was who?" You scrunched your brows, nice try. I'm not dumb enough to not know this is you trying to avoid the way to feel.— "Y/n, your like this shy away sweetheart who rarely let's things get to them. And barely displays emotions, no matter how hurt you are, which sometimes I wish you'd come forward about and speak to me about them. Because I'm always here for you no matter what"

I tried to search in your eyes for a clue, yet you always hid the truth in your eyes. You never let them escape, I hated how your body gave a hint, but your eyes could never give fully. It was excruciating.

I sighed "But— this whole altercation right now feels off, it feels unusual. So who are they?" Taking a quick sip of the wine in hand. Like always, you gave a blunt response— "I don't know what you're talking about"

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