Chapter 28

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Harry's bad mood vanished the next day when he saw the headlines in the Magical Daily.



Sirius had told him that he was rallying support for this, and it looked like it had worked. Harry smirked, wondering how the blood purists would react to this. Lily Potter was clearly the bane of their existence for getting rid of their precious master and was now being presented the Order of Merlin, First Class, twelve years after her death.

Harry dressed for the day, morphed into a man who looked to be in his twenties and went over to the fireplace in the Entrance Hall and said "Diagon Alley". After a flash of green flames, he was transported to the alley. He seamlessly walked to Gringotts, and was ushered into Lord Rangok's office. Inside, he saw the old goblin, along with a woman sitting who appeared to be in her thirties. He morphed back to his original appearance and stepped inside.

"Greetings, Lord Rangok" said Harry, giving the old Goblin a warrior style salute.

The old goblin grinned and said "Greetings to you as well, Lord Potter. Allow me to introduce to you Mrs Serena Miller, the proprietor of Miller's Magical Mirrors"

Harry went over to her, took her hand and kissed her knuckles. "It's my pleasure to meet you, Mrs Miller" he said, in a dignified voice.

The woman smiled and said "The pleasure is mine, Lord Potter. I am happy to finally meet you."

"To business" she said, as she removed her bag. "I would like to thank you for your investment, Lord Potter. I never thought my communication mirrors would be that profitable, as floos have been in existence for much longer and there are owls for delivering messages without the need of knowing the address, but your advice for new products gave me a boost. Let me demonstrate" she said while handing three mirrors, one each for herself, Harry and Rangok.

"An initialisation process has to be done for each mirror so that it can be personalised for each person. Once done, I can call out your name in case I need to contact you, and it would immediately reach you through an array of charms, runes and specially designed spells which I invented myself. Watch" she said and demonstrated by saying "Hadrian Potter"

Immediately, Harry felt his mirror heat up a bit and he heard the words again, coming from his mirror. He activated it by just waving his hand in front of the mirror. He then saw Mrs Miller's face in the mirror.

"Now for the improvements" she said. "Lord Rangok". Rangok soon got the message on his mirror, and she waved her hand over the mirror. All three of them found themselves able to see the other two in the mirror.

"Ingenious. You're clearly exceptional" said Harry, his eyebrows raised. "This is much better than the version of your mirrors I currently have."

"Indeed" said Rangok, examining the mirror.

Mrs Miller went pick from the praise she received, but she said, "I have more."

She removed a large mirror from the bag and placed it on the floor. She tapped it and it levitated itself to a few feet above the ground. She then took out a tiny crystal from a velvet box and suspended it in mid-air. She tapped the large mirror, and later the crystal. There was a glow between the two, and suddenly, the office was visible in the mirror. Mrs Miller conjured a ball, tapped it with her wand and then the crystal. The ball was now visible in the mirror. She levitated the wand all over the office, and the moving ball could be seen clearly in the mirror as the crystal followed it around everywhere.

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