Chapter 8

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The next day

The team is on their flight, on their way back to Shenzhen.

Tong Yao was thinking about the hard work that she will have to do after they get back home. Huh, again whole day gaming. Thinking and thinking, she feel asleep on the plane.

When they were about to land, Lu Sicheng decides to wake her up.

He turns his gaze to see her face completely pale and sweaty. 'Something must be wrong', he thought to himself. He touched her forehead only to feel that it was burning hot. She had a high fever.

Lu Sicheng softly whispers is her ears, "Yao Yao, are you alright?"

This wakes her up and she asks, "Huh? What? What happened to me?"

Lu Sicheng: "You're having a fever"

Tong Yao says, "No, absolutely not-" but before she could complete her sentence, Lu Sicheng interrupts in the middle by saying, "Touch it yourself" as he takes her hand to her forehead. She could feel the warmth of her forehead.

Lu Sicheng angrily says, "Eat more ice cream. Eat some more"

Tong Yao had no response. She had made a mistake by not listening to him. Now, she would have to suffer because of the fever.

After going back home, Tong Yao goes to her room to have some rest.

After sometime, Lu Sicheng opens the door to see his girlfriend sleeping.

He goes to her and wakes her up.

Lu Sicheng: "Shorty, wake up. It's time to have your medicine."

He gives her the medicine along with a glass of water.

After Tong Yao takes the medicine, Lu Sicheng sits there, waiting for her to fall asleep. Luckily, she feel asleep within ten minutes. Lu Sicheng gets a blanket out of her almirah and covers her with it. He kisses her forehead, before leaving her alone in her room.

After that he goes down to see that everyone is already on their computers.

When little fatty sees him, he asks, "Brother Cheng, where is Missy? I haven't seen her in a while."

Xiao Rui: "Yup, I also haven't seen her after we got home"

Lu Sicheng: "She's having a fever. I told her not to eat ice cream in this season. But she didn't listen to me. And now she's left alone to suffer."

Xiao Rui: "You should go check on her"

Lu Sicheng: "I just came from her room. I have already given her the medicine and I think that the fever will subside by tomorrow"

Xiao Rui: "Good"

After that Lu Sicheng plays ranked matches with everyone until it was the time to sleep.

The next day
Around 11:30 am

As soon as, Lu Sicheng wakes up he goes to check on his girlfriend.

He opens the door to see her still sleeping. But not normally sleeping. She was lying on bed like a dead body. Her face was pale and was covered in sweat.

He worriedly goes out to bring the thermometer. The thermometer revealed that she had a high fever. He puts his hand on her forehead to feel that it was still burning hot.

He wakes her up and asks her to take the medicine. After eating the tablet, Tong Yao decided to sleep again but she couldn't fall asleep since she had already slept too much.

Tong Yao: "Brother Cheng.... I can't... feel... my body..... I feel tired...."

Lu Sicheng: "I think that's probably because you're having weakness because of the fever. You haven't eaten anything, have you? Let me bring you something to eat"

Tong Yao: "Brother Cheng, I don't have.... Appetite...."

Lu Sicheng says, "But still you need to eat something to recover faster. Look you're already so weak. It doesn't matter if you have appetite or not. You have to eat to feel better." as he exits her room to get her something to eat.

He went downstairs to see that the breakfast was from KFC. But an ill person doesn't eat KFC food, right? He goes to the kitchen to cook porridge.

God Ming approaches him from behind and asks, "Your breakfast from KFC is on the table. What are you doing in the kitchen?"

Lu Sicheng: "Tong Yao is still having a fever. She can't eat KFC food. I'm making some porridge for her."

God Ming: "Oh...."

After cooking porridge, Lu Sicheng takes it Tong Yao's room. He helps her to sit up and feeds her the porridge he had just made.

"Do you feel any better?" he asks.

Tong Yao just nods in agreement.

He touches her arms and legs to see that they were all hot. He goes to the bathroom to get a few towels and a tumbler filled with cold water.

He places the cold water towels on her arms and legs. Then he lifts up her shirt, revealing her skinny stomach, and places a cold water towel over her tummy.

He was trying his best to make her feel better. For about 1 hour, he keeps changing the towels.

Tong Yao: "Brother Cheng, I need to use the bathroom"

Lu Sicheng asks her to go as he removes all the towels which were placed on her body.

She stands up and begins to walk.

Lu Sicheng was busy placing the towels on the bedside table. Suddenly, he heard a huge bang. He turned his head to see his girlfriend lying on the floor unconscious.


Finnally! Chapter 8 is over! But the next chapter is more interesting.... Don't forget to stay tuned to see what happens next..... Bye!!

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