Chapter 28

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The pillow was wet with Tong Yao's tears.

Lu Sicheng gets up from the bed and walks to the direction which Tong Yao was facing.

He bends down to look at her face which was completely wet with tears. Yet, her eyes were closed as she was pretending to be asleep to hide the fact that she had cried.

"Tong Yao.... Are you alright?...." Lu Sicheng gently whispers to her.

Tong Yao slowly opens her eyes as she says is shrill crying voice, ".... Brother Cheng..... I'm not alright...." She quickly pulls him into a hug as tears drip out of her eyes.

Lu Sicheng pats her back as he comforts her, "Don't cry. Everything will be alright....."

Lu Sicheng makes her sir up and takes a place beside her on the bed. Then he places an arm around her shoulder and brings her body closer to his as he begins to comfort her.

Lu Sicheng: "It was not your fault. It was just not your day. I know you can defeat her. You're smiling. The best female player of eSports. You'll defeat her in the finals, won't you? Then, stop crying."

Tong Yao sobs as she says, "But brother Cheng.... I have disappointed..... Our fans......"

Lu Sicheng: "See, fans are just people, who will judge you and your life. They can only make you feel either happy or sad. Right now they might seem disappointed in you. But just your one good performance can change it all. You perform well in the next few matches, they'll say there's no-one better than you. They're just judging you on the basis of your performance and not your capabilities. Then why are you so much affected by their comments all the time?"

Tong Yao: "Brother Cheng, you're right. I must not get so easily affected by their words. It's just that I'm yet not emotionally strong enough....."

Lu Sicheng: "Don't worry. We'll go through everything together..... And you must know that I love you and will never stop loving you untill I die. So don't take all of comments of the media to your heart and just sleep. You're already stressing yourself out too much...."

Tong Yao says, "I love you too...." as she lays back down in her bed. Lu Sicheng pats her head and finnally kisses her lips before saying, "Good night. Sleep well."

The next day

All the members get into the ZGDX bus for their last match before the quater finals. But since they already won most of the matches, it didn't matter if the win this one or not (because they've already qualified for the quater finals).

Lu Sicheng takes Tong Yao's hand in his.

"..... Brother Cheng..... I think I'm ready to tell everyone....." says Tong Yao, looking away.

Lu Sicheng: "Ready to tell, what?"

Tong Yao moves her hand back and forth as if asking Lu Sicheng to come closer. Then she whispers in his ear, "About my..... Pregnancy....."

Lu Sicheng looks at Tong Yao and smiles as he replies, "After today's match."

All the members get to the OPL arena.

The match starts and ZGDX win the match within only two rounds.

In the OPL room of ZGDX

All the members were patiently watching Lu Sicheng's live MVP interview on the television screen.

[Interviewer: "So let's welcome our today's MVP, brother Cheng!"]

[The audience claps and screams Lu Sicheng's name as he enters the stage area.]

[Lu Sicheng: "Hi, everyone."]

[Interviewer: "Brother Cheng, ZGDX was amazing in today's match. And ZGDX has also finnally qualified for the quarter finals. Is there any message you would like to say to your fans before the start of the quarter finals?"]

[Lu Sicheng: "First of all, thank you all for your appreciation. Your love and support really helps. But I would like mention that you all should not be so toxic to your idols and should not post comments that are UNREASONABLE which can hurt a person's heart."]

[Interviewer: "Brother Cheng, today when you were returning from the main stage, some fans spotted you talking to Rose. Afterwards, she ran away like if something had happened. Would you like to explain what had happened back then?"]

[Lu Sicheng: "You all should not barge into someone's personal life..... But still, I'll tell everyone about it, since I don't want another series of bad hate comments on ZGDX's Weibo account..... Actually, Rose confessed to me. But I turned her down since I'm already in a relationship...."]

Little fatty: "Hmm. As expected of him. I knew he can never hurt Missy's heart!"

[Interviewer: "Now since the topic has already risen, brother Cheng, would you like to comment about what had happened in yesterday's match of Rose and Smiling?"]

[Lu Sicheng: "Rose was just showing off. You all can watch Smiling's next performance, when she defeats Rose herself..... I and Smiling are together and no one can break us apart, no matter how hard one tries to. I love her and she loves me. And now that Smiling's pregnant, nothing can sperate us.....


I'll talk to you all later. I don't have time right now. Bye!

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