Chapter 22

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Xiao Rui watches Lu Sicheng's MVP interview in the bus while the team is on their way back to the base.

[Interviewer: "Wow, brother Cheng! You were so amazing in today's match. One against three! You're surely someone who no-one can defeat!"]

[Lu Sicheng: "This was just a glimpse. You all still have to wait and watch the tournament till the end."]

[Interviewer: "In the last round, how did you manage to defeat three players all at once?"]

[Lu Sicheng: "I'm an ADC player. And one of the top ADC's in the country. Do you think it's hard for me to defeat three players all together?"]

[Interviewer: "Looks like this year's winter championship is gonna be tough!.... Anyways, brother Cheng, all of your fans are talking about what Rose had said in the interview was about you. Do you have any explanation for it?"]

[Lu Sicheng: "Even I didn't understand what she meant. But you all should not worry about that. Whatever she said doesn't change my thoughts or actions."]

Xiao Rui: "Brother Cheng, it seems like Alpha's Rose is targeting you and Tong Yao. You shouldn't be so carefree about it."

Lu Sicheng: "I know. I know what to do. Don't worry. I'll handle the the situation before anything wrong happens."

Xiao Rui: "You should keep your words. It seems like this situation is gonna affect Tong Yao more than you."

Lu Sicheng turns around to see Tong Yao sleeping as he says, "Don't worry, I'll make sure she's fine."

Xiao Rui nods his head as his eyes move back to his phone.

The team reaches back to the base camp at around 4 pm. Everyone was tired, so they all decided to sleep.

Around 6 pm

Tong Yao gets up from her bed and goes out of her room to see all the members already seated in their gaming chairs.

She goes downstairs and switches on her computer.

She sees that Su Xing was doing a live stream. She opens and begins to watch her live steam.

[Su Xing: "I didn't do anything wrong, did I? It's not my fault. It's Smiling's. It doesn't matter if I was talking about her or anyone else. Did you all see, how I defeated her today? Haha. Now I'm the best female player in eSports, not her."]

Lu Sicheng hears what Tong Yao was watching. He didn't want her to feel bad or overthink about it. "What are you watching? Close it!" he says.

Tong Yao pretends to have not heard Lu Sicheng's voice and continues watching the live stream.

[Su Xing: "And about Brother Cheng? We'll see about him. And if any of you didn't understand what I meant, let me explain. I'll take Smiling's position. And whatever she possibly is."]

Lu Sicheng gets up from his chair and closes the interview from Tong Yao's computer.

Then he comforts her, "Don't listen to what she's saying. It's false. You're the best. Just mentain your image and start playing."

Tong Yao simply nods her head and starts her live stream.

[Did you see Rose's live stream?]

[Finnally, now that you aren't the best female player in eSports, Brother Cheng will leave you!]

[What do you mean by that? Do you want Brother Cheng to date Rose?]

[Rose is so bad. How can she disrespect Smiling like that!]

[Smiling, you need to take revenge of her!]

Ignoring all the good and bad comments about her, Tong Yao starts playing practice matches.

A few hours laters

Tong Yao had been alone in her room for sometime. Lu Sicheng gets worried. He was afraid that she would be crying under her blanket. He decides to check on her.

He opens the door of her room to see her lying in her bed in her nightdress, ready to sleep. He gets inside the room and sits down beside her on the bed.

He takes her head into his lap and begins to caress her head. Then he says, "Are you alright?"

Tong Yao raises her head in confusion and says with a confused look on her face, "Why won't I be?"

Lu Sicheng: "You didn't take the comments on your live stream to your heart, did you?"

Tong Yao sakes her head and replies, "No, I didn't."

Lu Sicheng: "Now, let me explain this to you. See, Rose is jealous of you. Your position, you being the best female player in eSports, you being in team ZGDX and specially...... of the fact that 'I' am your boyfriend."

Tong Yao: "Impossible."

Lu Sicheng: "Later in the live stream, she almost even confessed to me. She's jealous of you. It's obvious. That's why she doesn't like you."

Tong Yao: "It's not like that-"

Lu Sicheng interrupts, "It is."

Tong Yao says, "It's not." as she turns around to face the wall and lays down in her bed to sleep.

Lu Sicheng lays down beside her and finnally says, "Believe it or not, you'll understand it sooner or later....."

Tong Yao completely ignores Lu Sicheng's words. She thought that Rose could be friends with her. Since they were the only girls in the eSports industry, she didn't want to be her enemy or fight with her. She believed that all of this was just a coincidence. Yet, she didn't know what she has face.......


😅 Phew..... Finnally, this chapter is done. What do you guys think is gonna happen now? Is Tong Yao gonna suffer? Will there be fight be Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng? How will Lu Sicheng regain Tong Yao after the problems caused by Rose? Well.... A few more chapters about this! Untill the end of the winter championship! See you guys soon!

Forever In Love With You (FIYS / You're Beautiful When You Smile Sequel) ffWhere stories live. Discover now