Chapter 39

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After lunch

In the evening

Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng get back into the car.

Tong Yao: ".....Where are we going now?"

Lu Sicheng: "You'll see. It's a surprise....."

Tong Yao: "A surprise? For me?"

Lu Sicheng says, "Just for you, my dear." and places a kiss on her forehead which makes Tong Yao's lips grow into a smile.

After reaching the destination, as soon as Lu Sicheng stops the car, Tong Yao, who was looking out of the window, says, "What is this? Is this your friend's house? Have you brought me here to meet someone?"

Lu Sicheng steps out of the car, along with Tong Yao, and says, "This isn't my friend's house...... It's ours."

Tong Yao's eyes widen as she says, "You've got to be kidding me!.....". Then she turns towards the huge mansion and says, ".....You're telling me, this is ours?!"

Lu Sicheng: "Yes, my darling."

Tong Yao: "But- but we have to stay at the ZGDX base camp."

Lu Sicheng: "Well, I know we can't stay here all day. But we can come here when we have free time.... We need to have our own house....."

Tong Yao: "This is huge..... Wait. Don't tell me you bought this for me."

Lu Sicheng: "Yeah, of course I bought it recently..... But not only for you. For us."

Tong Yao smiles and hugs Lu Sicheng.

Lu Sicheng shows Tong Yao the 2-floored mansion from inside. It was furnished with luxury and expensive furniture. The house was well lit and had large and spacious rooms. It had two parking lots, a backyard lawn, a large living room connected to the kitchen and dining area, two guest rooms on the ground floor, a small living room, two balconies and a master bedroom with a walking wardrobe on the first floor. The overall look of the mansion was hilarious and luxury.

Then comes the most anticipated part, the roof......

Tong Yao was about to open the door of the roof when Lu Sicheng stops her, saying, "Wait!...."

Then he takes out a blindfold from his pocket and says, "First close your eyes. You can't see. It's a surprise."

Tong Yao just smiles as she takes the blindfold from Lu Sicheng's hand and covers her eyes with it.

Lu Sicheng holds Tong Yao's hand and opens the door of the roof and takes her out.

He takes Tong Yao to the centre of the roof and slowly opens her blindfold.

Tong Yao opens her eyes and looks around to see herself surrounded by a lot of people, which included, her parents, Lu Sicheng's parents, her friends, her bestie, Jin Yang, Ai Jia, her teammates, Hierophant and other eSports teams. Then she looks to the front to see Lu Sicheng standing in front of her. Behind Lu Sicheng, she sees 'Marry me' written in bold LED light letters.

Then she looks up to see the sky filled with stars. It was as if like the stars were also standing there to watch her proposal. Then she looked down to see herself standing inside a big heart shape made from fake candles.

This was the moment. She couldn't believe her eyes.

She finally looks up to Lu Sicheng and he begins to speak.

Lu Sicheng says, "Tong Yao..... I used to be a strong, fierce and cold hearted man. I used to be a tough and strict leader. But ever since you came into my life, you have lit it up with your brightness. You've transformed me into a soft hearted, kind and loving person. You've always brought happiness to me and have melted my heart. But my heart is only reserved for you. And that's why I standing here..... Yao Yao, it's been a year to our relationship. We have liked and loved each other for long. I still remember the day I confessed to you, the day we went on our first date, the day we shared our first kiss..... I know it seems like if it was just yesterday but I'm looking forward to the day we get married and live our lives together.....Yao Yao, you've fascinated me and attracted me so much, that now I can't stay away from you even for a single second. Tong Yao.... I'm so grateful to have you in my life. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to hold your hand forever. I want to be by your side and support you forever. I love you so much...... And that's why I'm standing here, asking you this question......"

Hearing Lu Sicheng's words, Tong Yao's eyes get completely filled up with tears.

Then he bends down on one knee and takes out a velvet box from his pocket and opens it in-front of Tong Yao as she covers her mouth in surprise. The box revealed a shiny diamond ring. Then Lu Sicheng finally asks the question he had been waiting to ask for a long time......

Lu Sicheng: "Tong Yao, will you marry me?"

Tong Yao was speechless. She didn't know what to say. And she knew that even if she tries to speak, her mouth won't be able to speak a single word properly.


I know it's little short, 😅 but I end this chapter here. Let's wait to see Tong Yao's reply. I'll try to update the next chapter soon..... So..... Bye! 👋 😅✨💖

Forever In Love With You (FIYS / You're Beautiful When You Smile Sequel) ffWhere stories live. Discover now