Chapter 34

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"Yay!", "Chessman!", "ZGDX!" several different screams were heard as the base of team Alpha blasted.

Yes, ZGDX were again the winners of another national championship.

Happiness ran among the members of ZGDX.

Tong Yao hugs Lu Sicheng as soon he gets up from his seat. Then she whispers in his ear, "We did it!"

Lu Sicheng pulls away from the hug and holds Tong Yao's hand with a smile pasted on his face.

The members then go to shake hands with the losing team.

As soon as Tong Yao moves to shake hands with Rose, she says with a smile on her face, "But I didn't regret it."

And then suddenly an old flashback runs in Rose's mind.


Rose shakes Tong Yao's hand tightly as she mutters to her, "You'll regret it."

End of flashback

And now, Rose was the one regretting it. She had got what she deserved. And Tong Yao didn't have any regrets of her actions.

Then the members go the main stage and lift their trophy. The atmosphere was surrounded by excitement and happiness as the members danced around the stage.

After bowing infront of the public, the members of ZGDX go for their live interview as the winning team.

Interviewer 1: Congratulations, team ZGDX for winning the winter championship! You all knew it since long that you're gonna win. How did you all manage to be so confident all the time?"

Lu Sicheng: "First of all, thank you everyone for your appreciation...... From our previous championships we had learnt that practice is the most important thing to win a match. We had practiced and decoded the strategy of most of the teams to win against them."

Lao K added, "We had also established our base starategy differently from before so it also became difficult for others to predict our moves."

Interviewer 2: "Team ZGDX has already won the world championship and an another national championship now. What are your new goals for this year?"

Lu Sicheng: "We still look forward to winning more national and international titles. We aim to make ZGDX the strongest team of eSports in history....."

Interviewer 2: "That's amazing."

Little fatty: "Also to eat well and stay healthy."

The audience bursts into laughter hearing this. Fatty only cared about food. Yup, that's why only he's 'Fatty'.

Interviewer 3: "Miss Smiling, you were amazing in today's match. We all saw they way you defeated Rose. Would you like to explain anything about the Rose situation?"

Tong Yao: ".....I can say that now it's all in the past and you all shouldn't bother about it now. Rose was just trying to ruin my name and fame. But it's my job to mention my image for my fans. And that's just what I did....."

Lu Sicheng: "There's something none of you are aware about...... Actually, the doctor who revealed about Smiling not being actually pregnant, was a friend of Rose. She had revealed it and posted had comments because Rose had asked her to do so. But according to the the constitution of the people's republic of China, a doctor cannot reveal a patient's medical history. This time I'm leaving it but any other mishappenings in the future will not be tolerated by us."

Tong Yao says, "Also Rose tried to break me and Brother Cheng apart but she ended up bringing us even closer." as she lifts up her hand to show that she was holding hands with Lu Sicheng under the table.

The crowd 'awwww's at the couple.

Interviewer 1 says, "Let's congratulate team ZGDX once again for winning the winter championship of this year!" ending the interview.

Lu Sicheng: "Thank you everyone."

They all waved to their fans and went back to the ZGDX bus to go back to the base.

Tong Yao: "Finnally, I can relax now! No need to practice for long hours!"

Lu Sicheng: "So what's your plan? What do you wanna do?"

Tong Yao: "I sleep the whole day to compensate the hours of sleep that I missed because of the championship."

Lu Yue teases, "You'll sleep alone or with my brother?"

Lu Sicheng turns his face towards Lu Yue and replies, "Of course with me."

All the members begin to giggle hearing Lu Sicheng's response.

Tong Yao's eyes widen and her face turns red. She argues back, "What are you saying?! I am talking about sleeping, not doing that."

After the team reaches the base, they all decide to relax and have some sleep.

Tong Yao was lying in her bed when she gets a call from Jin Yang.

Tong Yao: "Hello? Jin Yang?"

Jin Yang: "Congratulations, Yao Yao! You've won another national title. To celebrate your team's victory, come with me to the mall and help me choose my wedding dress."

Tong Yao: "Although I'm a bit tired but sure, I'll help you choose your wedding dress."

Jin Yang happily replies, "Then let's also have dinner together. I'll come to pick you up in the evening. Get some rest and then get ready."

Tong Yao: "Okay, I'll meet you later. Bye!"

Jin Yang: "Bye!"


Hi! I finally got my phone back! I will start writing faster now. I'll update soon! 😊❤️💖✨

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