Amazing. Just. Amazing.

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The crowd cheers fills Liam's ears as he sighs in happiness. He never knew he could be such a good racer. Maybe he actually has a chance to make it to the big leagues, but for now, he needs to focus on honing his skills in the street scene so when he goes to the big leagues he has an advantage. As Liam takes in the glory, he sees Barrett smiling and frozen in awe. He decides to walk over to Barrett and speak to him while breathless and elated.

Liam: Did you see that, Barrett?! Did you see my time?! Was that a record?!

Barrett grins from ear to ear.

Barrett: I think that was a record, but that's not what matters. Liam, that was incredible! You blew everyone away, me included! You got talent kid, real talent, I swear.

Liam smiles bigger and speaks while panting and grinning.

Liam: Thanks, Barrett. I couldn't do that without you, honestly.

Barrett smirks

Barrett: Listen, Liam. I've been in this game for a good while, and, honestly, I haven't seen so much potential in someone like you do before. That brings me to my next thing...

Liam's face turns from happy to curious

Liam: Really? What?

Barrett: I want to take you under my wing, train you, teach you everything I know. I see so much potential in you, and I want to be a part of it. You told me that you want to get to the big leagues. Let me help you get there. What do you say?

Liam's eyes widen at Barrett's opportunity.

Liam: Your...apprentice? Seriously?

Barrett nods immediately.

Barrett: Absolutely. 100%. You've proven yourself today, I believe you have exactly what it takes to make it big, and I mean BIG. What do you say?

Liam thinks deeply. Him, an apprentice? Surely, that has to be helpful for his dream. Maybe he'll be able to pick up a few tricks along the way that can help secure his way as a big winner in the motorsports world. That is his dream, after all. Liam speaks overwhelmed.

Liam: Yes, Barrett. I'll be your apprentice. Why not? Hehe.

Barrett smiles

Barrett: Yes! Yes! Well, I'm glad to be your teacher, Liam.

Barrett reaches out his hand for a handshake and eagerly waits for Liam to shake it.

Liam looks at Barrett's hand and smirks before shaking it firmly and nodding. As Barrett and Liam shake hands, Hope slowly walks over to Liam with a smile on her face. Liam notices this and looks at Hope while Barrett steps back, letting them have a moment.

Hope: Well, damn good Liam. By the way, it's tradition for a racer to take a small lap back around in victory for a new record. I had an idea...

Liam looks at Hope curiously.

Liam: Really? Well, crache le morceau (spit it out). Hehe.

Hope chuckles

Hope: Why don't you take me? I could use a lap with a future superstar, hehe.

Hope smiles at Liam and slightly blushes.

Liam smiles at Hope as well and slightly blushes as well.

Liam: I mean... sure. I don't see why not.

Hope smiles

Hope: Let's go then.

Liam and Hope slowly walk over to Liam's Veloster N and get in it.

Liam: Well, qu'en penses-tu (what do you think)?

Hope smiles as she looks around and inspects the interior of Liam's car.

Hope: It's nice. It does feel fast, and it's more spacious than I thought, hehe.

Liam blushes slightly at Hope's comment, who smirks back at him.

Liam: Well, it is a daily.

Hope chuckles and Liam start to drive down the country road as the spectators surround Liam's car still cheering before Liam drives off.

Hope: I have a stop in mind, I'll tell you when. I wanna show you something.

Liam gets curious.

Liam: Yeah? Now I'm interested, hehe.

Hope smiles at Liam and looks out the window.

Hope: You should. Hehe. It's special...

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