Homecoming Reflections

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Liam is seen in his room that he grew up in. His old posters covered with dust align the walls as he looks at them deeply and reminisces about the way he got each and every one. All with his grandpa. Liam reaches into a box and takes out a trophy from Catlunya, and places it up on an empty shelf he left empty, knowing that his trophies would one day go up there. He places the trophy down gently, the small thud of the full gold trophy being heard. As he looks at it, he thinks about Barcelona and how beautiful it was. Liam then grabs another trophy out of his box, which is revealed to be the one from Bathurst in Australia. The silver plated number 2 shines directly into Liams eyes as he smiles proudly, proud of his accomplishments at Bathurst. He thinks about the race and how even though he came 2nd, it was an amazing learning experience. Liam finally grabs the final trophy from the box. He gawks at the trophy a bit, smiling massively. He still can't believe he really won that race. Liam places it atop his shelf and takes a big step back and ganders at each and every one of his trophies, and cracks a big smile. As he looked at the shelf, his eyes wander off a bit and look at a picture of Liam and his grandpa in his garage when Liam was a kid. Suddenly, Liams smile disappears as he remembers his moments with his grandpa. The long days working on his 3000gt and simply bonding all day and night. He focuses the memory of his grandpa picking him up and showing him the parts of the engine of his 3000gt as a baby.

( "What's that?"

"Well, it's the oil cap, Liam. You take that off and pour the oil a car needs to run into it."

"What's Oil? Is it juice?"

"Hehe, no silly. You're just like your father, hehe. It's what makes the engine work smoothly. The oil acts like, well, lotion for the engine, hehe. Like you need lotion to stay smooth, an engine needs oil so that IT stays smooth, hehe."

"What's that?"

"Ooh, looks like my little second son is eager to learn, hehe. That's the transmission it's what mak-")

Liam opens his eyes as a tear rolls down his cheek.

Liam: Wish you were here, pops. I hope you're enjoying your afterlife, you deserve it. I miss you.

Suddenly, a knock is heard at Liams door.

Liam: Huh, what? Uh, come in!

William walks through the door.

William: Oh, hehe, I see you got your trophies up already. Hehe. They look really nice. They kind of complete the room. It's hard to believe you grew up here and left that shelf empty just for your trophies, and you didn't get any for 17 years. And now? You've already got three in one year. Hehe. Come here.

Liam: Uh, okay.

William pulls Liam for a hug and kisses his head.

William: I'm so proud of you, Liam. Grandpa would be, too. You've done so much in so little time. Hehe. It's crazy. I'm sorry I didn't believe in your dreams, Liam. I can't emphasize that enough. You really are an Allard, a true one, and I can't thank you enough for it. I love you, bud.

Liam smiles and chuckles.

Liam: I love you too, dad.

William: I know you miss him I do too, every day, just know he's right there next to you 24/7 he'll always be there to support you, not physically, but soulfully, which is the best type of support a person can get. Alright?

Liam: I know, dad. It's just that seeing these trophies, I would've loved to see his reaction to them. I would love to see him smile again. For us to, bond and connect again. He was a big part of my life, dad, and I wouldn't be here without him. I wouldn't have become a racer. I wouldn't have gotten those trophies. I could've made new memories.

William: I know, I know. I wish, too. My dad was proud of me, but I would've loved for him to see him more proud of you. I'd honestly be fine with that, hehe. My dad was an amazing person and an amazing racer. He bled cars and racing. It would've been amazing to see him pass on completely fulfilled in life. But, he's here. I know he is. Well, anyway, I'll leave you to your trophies. I know they mean a lot to you, so I'll give you that peace. I'll see you at dinner, okay, bud?

Liam: Sure, no problem.

William steps out of Liams room and walks off. Liam stays and contemplates even more for a few minutes until suddenly he hears his voice being called.

Ava: Liam! Honey! You got a visitor! Come here!

Liam: Coming!

Liam walks out of his room and heads to the door where a man in a nice suit is seen at the door.

Man: Ahh, you must be Liam Allard. Crazy portfolio you got in only 1 year. You've outdid a lot of pro racers.

Liam: Oh hi. Hehe. Yeah, I'm just doing what I love. And you are?

Man: My name is Garvin Hazel. I'm here on behalf of Hyundai N Rally.

Liam becomes shocked at the news the man had brought him.

Liam: Hyundai N Rally? THE Hyundai N Rally?

Garvin: The one and only. Hehe.

Liam: putain de merde. What are you here for then?

Garvin: Well, let's just say the owner of Hyundai wants you on the team.

Liam: What?

*The End*

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