Chapter 13: Recovery and Fun?

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Error's POV days later

Uggh, took forever to reboot this time. My arm and leg haven't recovered though...I cannot move...But I have to find a way home...Make sure my family is safe...

I glance around, seeing the door shut and a plate of food beside me. Getting to eat might help me get out. I check the code for poison before eating. Then I open a portal and roll through, landing on a bed. I smile widely, recognizing the walls of my home. Then I open another, rolling through as I try to stand up. I couldn't without holding onto the wall.

"I'm nearly locked in on the stream's signal...They keep talking nonsense...Plans and weird stuff..."Shino says

"Any mention of his condition?"Palette asks

"ShINO? k1dS?"I call out

"Papa?"I hear the kids shout

Then before I could say anything, I felt my legs leave the ground. I glance over, seeing Reaper holding me in his arms.

"Hey, Glitchy.~ So happy to find you back safely.~ Are you okay?"He asks

They're here....He's here...It's all ok...

"I cAn'T f3eL mY l3fT sIdE......S0m3 weiRd0s k3pt m3 1n a r0oM....Ev3ry0n3 iS sAfE r1gHt?"I ask

He nods, kissing me on the cheek gently. I lean against him, sighing with relief.


"Oh, hey Nightmare. How is Palette?"Reaper asks

"He's recovering...But whenever he gets frustrated, he starts to morph so I have to train him to control it."Nightmare says

"Gothy hasn't left his side to care for him, dear."

"I'm not suRpRiSeD."I say softly

I smile at him as he kisses me on the head. I look up at him, kissing him happily. I feel put at ease with him, snuggling into his arms. His face burns up and he smiles at me.

"I el1miNaTeD aUs aNd s0uLs 0f sHaTtErEd's h3lPeRs s0 wE sHouLd b3 sAf3 en0uGh t0 gEt 0uT oF l0ckd0wn."I say

I wave my hand, releasing the lockdown. The three kids run over, hugging me and smiling expressing their relief. Reaper carries me around since I cannot move properly, seeing the rest of the gang in various rooms. I see Farmer caring for Horror who cannot leave the bed. Horror smiles widely at me, seeming relieved that I am back.

"Dad! You're safe!"He cheers

I smile at him as Farmer dozes off beside him.

"Daughter...I got Daughter's name...We agreed...."He says, trying to put his words together.

I nod, waiting for him to get his words together. Especially since his code was manipulating his speech.

"Daughter's Lovespoon..."He says

"ThAt'S a SwEeT nAmE."I say

"Can't wait for you to meet her..."He says, smiling widely.

Then we gather the kids and head back to our home.

The next few weeks were focused on recovering, trying to get movement back in the left side of my body. I slowly regain motion in my body and hear that Palette is recovering as well, getting trained by Nightmare. Horror sends me frequent messages updating me about the little girl's soul developing, calling her my granddaughter which makes me smile. He even imagines her bonding with me and learning to craft from me or playing with the kids, having fun with them and everything. He even has notes on what he plans to allow or not allow, like supervised visits with Killer so that his baby doesn't learn to curse or get stuck in Killer's chaos. He even asks me questions and I plan to teach him how to care for his daughter using what I learned from raising Goth or Shino from their baby ages.

Death's Destructive Family: DestructiveDeath SequelWhere stories live. Discover now