Chapter 31: A Nice Day

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4 months later, Error's POV

I smile, feeling steady on my feet again. By now I've fully recovered and got antidotes to reverse the experiments on me. I'm getting used to walking on feet instead of slithering around lately, gaining strength in my body. My mind hasn't been triggered by flashbacks as much, though I still have a sudden uneasiness whenever left alone in a room. I get this subtle feeling that I'm being watched even when I check and find that there isn't. It's just that unnerving feeling that I can't seem to shake off after spending so much time trapped in a room and constantly watched. I also don't take baths anymore after finding that it triggers flashbacks to punishments too much and I either crash or need something to ground me in reality again. It reminds me too much of being put in a tub of acid chemicals as "punishment" or whenever a viewer requested it with a very high donation. I take showers to avoid these flashbacks and only take baths if I have company or know that someone is nearby to help.

Reaper certainly doesn't seem to mind helping me recover mentally. He and the kids often are watching me or keeping me company so I am rarely in a room alone. Which, unlike Reaper's house arrest, is comforting for me. It puts me at ease. And he certainly doesn't miss the chance to suggest cuddling or bathing together. I don't always agree and he respects that. But he's always there to help me, to offer his hand to comfort me, to hold me close in bed when I'm having a anchor me back down to reality...It's wonderful. He's wonderful...Dear stars, my love for this idiot ....hard to put into words...I feel like an idiot but also don't care. I love him and appreciate all that he has done. If anything, these events just made me love him and our family more.

Shattered and Nightmare remain trapped with the voices and LoveSpoon has forced Shattered off the property but trapped in the plant still. So now things seem to be smooth without those troublemakers.

We should take advantage of it before Fate decides to ruin it. So today I'm going to surprise them. I get everything prepared and packed in bags, telling the kids my idea. They agree to it and get ready as well while Reaper is still asleep.

It also happened that today is a day that Lovespoon gets to spend time with us by her own request to Horror. She wants to spend time with "G-Pa and family" apparently. She has NO CLUE what to consider the kids besides fun relatives given that I'm considered her Grandpa and technically that SHOULD make the kids uncles and aunts to her but they aren't as old as her Uncle Killer and Dust or Farmer's brother. Complicated family tree or relationships so it's better to just go with "We're family" and leave it at that according to her.

So she is already knocking at the door as I cook some late breakfast. I had told Horror about my plans for today so I opened the door to see her with a bag full of what she may need as she eagerly smiled up at me. I let her inside and continued cooking the pancakes on the stove. I think the aroma of the fresh food woke Reaper up because shortly after dishing out plates, I feel two arms wrap around me and a head drop onto my shoulder. I hear a soft yawn as his head nuzzles gently against me.

"MoRniNg rEaPEr."I say as the clock strikes 11.

"Morning....What are you up to...? You usually don't cook breakfast...Just cereal and other meals..."He says sleepily

"Hi, Mr. Reaper!"Lovespoon says as she digs in and chats with Shino beside her.

"Oh right...Your granddaughter is here today..."He says

I nod with a smile at him. He seems to snap out of his sleepy daze as I gently pet his head.

"So, what's on today's agenda? You seem more relaxed than usual."He whispers

"Oh, jUsT an iDeA sPaRkeD by tHe mEdiCaTioN."I say

His eyes spark with interest and I feel his grip on my waist get firm.

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