Chapter 26: A Split Soul Shard

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Error takes shape again elsewhere, finding a chain around his neck and locking him to a wall. But he feels incomplete. He checks his soul, seeing that his shard is missing half of itself. So his soul is even smaller. He doesn't realize that his other piece took shape as Geno, locked in another cell.

They both glance around, seeing rows of cells stacking up endlessly and filled with alternate versions of them. Human, bitty, demon, angel, swap, daycare, lamia, nerd&jock, etc. You name it, that version is there. Error sees only other Errors and Geno sees only other versions of him. Each were in cells chained to the wall by the wrist, ankle, neck, and tail, wherever they could. They were stuck in another lab and trafficking scheme of Shattered's. Within seconds, they started getting tested on, but then there was a ding, indicating a purchase, and a single name appeared on the glass cell doors.


Error's soul sinks, realizing that things are going Fate's way, and he imagines the pain that it will cause Reaper. Reaper will see Geno again and who knows how things will go. And he will be powerless to do anything. Then he groans in pain as the wound from the arrow makes it known again.

Geno gets freed from the cell, and transported to a random AU as the chain fades from his neck. He glances around in confusion, having never been outside the Save Screen or white space shortly before becoming Error. His wound still burns in his chest and glitches cover his eye. He has no idea what happened and why he is missing his red scarf.

"Find your way home." is the only order Fate gave him.

Home? Where could that be? Where is home for him? He can hardly recognize where he currently is.

He wanders around, cautious almost as much as he was curious. Then a thought strikes him: He can see Reaper again! Hold his sweet baby Goth again! Then his thoughts are full of concern. He needs to get help and an explanation about what just happened. Why he misses part of his soul and where he just was locked up. Perhaps that bizarre place could be stopped if he exposes it.

Shino finds him after coding her way through the barrier. She was trying to track Error/Papa down by locating his soul, but found Geno instead. Luckily Error and Reaper told her stories about the past or else she would've been confused why he was located instead. She only grows more concerned about what might've been done to him.

"Are you...Are you lost? Are you looking for someone?"She asks, unsure where to begin and explain things.

Geno pauses, considering his options...This girl may not know where Reaper is, but perhaps her son. He doubts such a young girl knows Death. She looks too healthy to encounter him.

"Yes, I'm looking for my son...His name is Goth. Have you seen a baby anywhere?"He asks, worried on how he went from holding Goth one moment to being locked up without him.

"Oh...A baby? What was the last thing that you remember?"She asks

"Holding him in my arms in this white empty space...Then a hand on my head...Then nothing."He says

"Oh...Yeah, a lot of time has passed....Goth's my oldest brother."She says

Oldest brother? So they're siblings? This is my baby's sister? Reaper....had more kids?

"R-Really? Where have you been living?"He asks

"With our dad, Reaper. I can take you home. My name is Shino. You'll be safe there."She says, opening a portal and offering her hand to him.

He hesitates, then takes her hand. He hesitantly follows her through with a nod. He glances around at the cozy living room that surrounds him now. Pillows cover the couch and puppets or dolls are scattered everywhere with different yarn projects on the table. Books are piled beside balls of yarn and the TV rests silently with the remote waiting to be used. A pair of red glasses rest on the TV stand and a mug of coffee rests abandoned on a coaster. Pictures hang on the walls filled with three kids individually or together, other with the kids and Reaper and a glitch he has never seen before...Yet somehow feels familiar...He recognizes Goth in the pictures and is shocked that he grew so much. How much has he missed? How long have they been apart? Did he get knocked out in one of those tests that he forgot how long he was stuck there for?

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