Chapter 44: Home Eavesdroppers

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Weeks later, Error's POV

Finally! We're able to get home!

I carry Shino asleep in my arms through the portal, free of the cage that I was placed in. My little girl is exhausted from trying to help Justinia, the being of justice, gain control over the messy group of beings arguing over who should have control. By the end of it, she got me freed from the illegal deal Shattered did, removing the complication from my deal with Destiny. We get home safely and then smile.

"GoOd t0 b3 h0me, Sh1n0."I say, setting her in bed.

I tuck her in, then get a portal to open, retrieving everyone else that I recall trying to help me. I find Horror sitting with his daughter asleep in his lap, Raven held close to him while Goth and Palette sleep on each other's shoulders. Killer and Dust come through with a grin and hand me Reaper's puppet of me. Killer snatched it from Goth at some point according to Dust. They tell me how Reaper was snatched away and how happy they are to find that I'm ok. Then they request a portal back to the castle.

"Have to make sure that Boss isn't making a mess."Dust reasons

The two go through the portal and I shut it behind them. I pull the rest of them through a portal from Shattered's castle, smiling at them. I bring them to their bedrooms, letting Goth snuggle Palette while Horror and Lovespoon rest in the guest bedroom. I feel a tingle along my arm and see glitches leaving the puppet to run up my arm to me. I check my code and see that I've regained the powers that Shattered drained from me.

I reach into my pocket, taking out my ring box that Shino somehow got her hands on. I sigh, putting it away. Things have been too crazy and chaotic lately so right now I just want a peaceful time. We need a break. So as soon as Reaper gets back home, I want to do something simple and relaxing before the thought of proposing and all that follows even crosses my mind.

I get a phone call, checking to see that it's Reaper.

"HeLlO ReApEr.~"I say with a grin

"You sound like you're feeling better."He says

"MhMm, d0 y0u n3ed hElP gEttInG hOmE? I hEaR tHaT yOu gOt sNatChEd."I say

"Yeah by some beings with a weird scheme., treated me like a dress-up doll...Please don't laugh."He says nervously

"Did yOu lAuGh wHeN fAtE dReSsEd mE uP?"I ask


"ThEn I wOn't dO iT tO yOu. EvErYoNe iS aSlEeP hErE sO yOu'rE aLl cLeAr.~"I tell him

"Are you able to get home?"A voice asks

"Yes, I ca-HEY! Put me down!"He snaps before the call disconnects

I put my phone away and see a portal open above me. I step back, putting my arms out as he is hurled through it, catching him. I glance at him and grin, seeing exactly what he means. He's wearing a dress in a beautiful deep ocean blue with a black top meeting the blue skirt and sleeves. There were even holes for his wings to slip out.

"SoMeOnE lOoKs nIcE."I say as he clings onto me

He looks at me, his face burning up after a moment as if there was a delay in him realizing that I meant him. Then he rests his head on my shoulder, hiding his face.

"SinCe wHeN wErE yOu tHe why oNe iN tHe rElaTiOnShIp? Are yOu fEeLiNg oKaY, ReApEr?"I ask teasingly

He refuses to look at me.

"AlRiGhT, lEt's gEt yOu tO bEd. I tHiNk sOmEonE nEeDs cUdDlEs."I say

He clings to me tighter and I carry him into bed with a grin. I set him down and then another portal opens, dropping his cloak before it shuts. The cloak fell on me and something in its pockets hit me roughly on the head.

Death's Destructive Family: DestructiveDeath SequelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora