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"Mackenzie Murlow!" The nurse called out my name and I tensed. My leg stopped shaking as I swallowed hard.

I wasn't sure why I was even there. I was not who they were looking for. I was a hybrid, a waste of space, an abomination.

There was no way these scientists could fix what my genetics had broken.

But money could fix everything else. I needed that.

It was stupid and shallow to sign up for being a test subject for the scientists but I was running out of options. I was living off nothing.

I was at college, scraping by, using my body as payment for most things, and scrounging for whatever scraps I could. Which wasn't much.

I was just tired of it all, tired of being a hybrid in a world where humans and supernaturals co-existed but refused the idea that something could exist in between those two categories.

We were supposed to stay in our lane, only pro-create with our own species and when creatures broke those rules, it was considered the ultimate sin.

I stood up from the chair, trying to hold in my shaking as I stepped through the crowd of people towards the nurse. People hissed and snarled as I brushed past and I ignored it. I had to.

I wanted that money reward for the winning applicants. I needed it so I could stop fucking my way through campus just for a warm bed for the night or a hot meal.

I was half-human, I needed those things to live, something the werewolves would never understand.

So I ignored their asshole behavior and smiled at the nurse.

"That's me," I said and she nodded, a stiff look on her wrinkled face, her gray eyes glazed over as if she was on autopilot.

"Come with me," she ordered and I followed her behind a door, down an echoing white hall that reminded me of the hospitals I had spent half my life in.

The nurse yanked a curtain aside revealing a little cubby that looked like a shower cubicle and was one of many down the long hall. Two white gowns were hanging there.

"Put that on. Stay here until you are called for," she said then shut the curtain before I could agree.

I turned to the gown, stripping out of my sweater. I had no bra on underneath because those things cost more than my organs were worth on the black market.

I should've probably worn one though, my eyes drifting to the white material of the gown. It was very thin and could cause an issue with transparency.

But for 50,000 dollars? I'd wear whatever they wanted.

I gripped the gown in my fist just as the curtain clinked open. I gasped, spinning to who I assumed was the nurse.

My breath caught in my throat as she spouted the same line she had to me, to the guy she closed in the cubicle with me.

I clutched the gown to my naked chest, breathing hard as I stared. He was so fucking tall.

His dark hair was pulled into a braid down his back, his eyes bright blue, his lips full.

"Alpha Ryken," I shivered, dipping my head. He looked over me and then sneered, his body suffocating the tiny space.

"I am not your Alpha, hybrid," he spat and I rolled my eyes. That was what I got for showing some respect. Fine, fuck the respect, he could have the scorn then.

"You should be if my mother's bloodline meant anything to you. But since your pack can't handle a little hybrid competition amongst its ranks, I suppose you are right. You are not my Alpha," I snapped back, turning away and yanking on my gown.

NOT MY ALPHA {+18}Where stories live. Discover now