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Ryken switched the lights on in the room he had pushed me into but he was still kissing me.

In the back of my mind, I knew he was just using me as a cover but I didn't care, his mouth on mine felt too good to care about much else.

He pressed me into his body and then turned us so he could see the room.

Whatever he saw must have made him sure we were safe because he stopped kissing me.

Was it bad that I wished he had kept going?

I turned to see what he was seeing and my jaw dropped.


"Fucking scientists." Ryken moved through the blinding white room, between the rows of shelving that held all kinds of horrors on them.

Test tubes with bubbling liquid and weird deformed things in them. File boxes. Liquids of different textures and colors. Books, screens.

There was everything in there.

I frowned, it seemed too easy to have everything in one room, so easily accessible. And in a secret door that wasn't even locked?

I didn't trust anything the scientists let us do after their little emotional manipulating stunt and I was having trouble believing this wasn't another test.

"It's too easy, Rkyen," I whispered.

"I know which is why I had my inside guy help. He's carved us out a few minutes before we'll get caught and we are going to be found in a compromising position, apologizing for losing control." Ryken smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"As if that wasn't the plot in every single movie ever. They won't fall for that."

Ryken shrugged, peering through a box of files, then moving on to the next one, "Yes, they will. Because we will be very convincing." He checked another file and pulled the box out with a frown, "And because by then we will hopefully have what we need. My guy said there is a single file in the room that is important and the rest of it, is distraction," Ryken kept reading over papers.

Rather than stand there waiting to be assaulted by Ryken's hot mouth again, I started on the other side of the aisle. I grabbed any paperwork I could see but it was like finding a needle in a pile full of needles.

It could all be clues, or there could be nothing. Or we could be looking in the entirely wrong place.

"Ryken with all the tech stuff this place runs on, do you really think they hid anything in this room of random junk?"

He grinned and nodded, "That kind of thinking is exactly why they would have hid it here. And I told you, I have a guy. He told me there was some paperwork in here. Said it would help me understand why what they are doing is important," he said still rifling through.

I kept going too but I had no idea what I was looking for and this whole side of the room was shelves of random things. The other side had a few desks, computers, and more tubes of experimental things that I was pretty sure I didn't want to know about.

It was cowardly but I really just wanted to get the fuck out of the room. It felt like a trap and I didn't so well feeling trapped.

"Aren't there cameras?"

Ryken sighed and turned to me, "I got us a window. Now help and stop whining or get out."

I glared at him.

He was too focused, not thinking about the consequences of what we were doing. Or he thought they were worth it. I for one, didn't consider getting fucked up by the scientists, worth it.

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