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Mackenzie fell asleep hours ago but there was no way I could sleep.

A small part of me was hoping the bell would go off again.

A large part of me was dreading it.

I had enjoyed her too much. I was meant to be staying cold and distant towards her but after one bell, I was already doubting my ability to do that.

The girl had put her mouth on me like an expert. But the tests had said she had never done that before. It was a shock to the system, one I wasn't expecting.

I expected it now.

And the way she responded to my touch on her, my mouth on her. It was intoxicating. Being the one to illicit those sounds out of her had done something to me. Made me addicted to doing it.

I was already rock-hard thinking about doing it again.

My cock throbbed and I clenched my fists in the blanket. How the hell was I meant to sleep when I had not had nearly enough of her?

She was fucking up everything and all I could think about was how good it had felt to be inside her, how she had tasted when I kissed her, how the blush on her cheeks had stayed there until she had fallen asleep.

I wasn't sure whether that was because we had fucked or whether she was angry about it but I loved seeing it either way.

But I wasn't meant to feel anything when it came to her. I was meant to be the Alpha who put the pack's needs ahead of my own.

I was meant to be the Alpha that killed her.

My stomach turned at the idea and I looked down at her.

She wasn't a peaceful sleeper.

She snored louder than a damn train, her hair was splayed everywhere, and her body curled in on herself with her hand tucked under her pillow. I knew that defensive sleep, one that could conceal a weapon.

She didn't have one but it did make me wonder about what she would have chosen to kill me with had I given her that chance. I wasn't going to. But it'd be nice to know for future reference because I was sure she'd try at some point.

I lay there for what felt like hours trying to come up with a way to stay distant. To make sure I stopped this attraction in its tracks. But there was no easy solution.

Not when we had to fuck whenever that bell went off.

The only thing I could do was make sure that whenever we weren't fucking, we were not talking. I had to avoid her. For my own sanity and probably hers.

I had to kill her. That was my bottom line. I had no choice if I wanted the pack. And I did. If we kept going the way we were, we were doomed.

The humans were already making murmurs about the wolf packs being too aggressive even with our natures subdued. That movement was gaining traction.

Dad wanted to bury his head in the sand and ignore it, act like what the humans said meant nothing because we were stronger but to me, it was a far more real threat.

The humans were untouchable. We were not.

They knew our weaknesses, and yes we could kill them if they came for us but humans didn't win wars with brute strength. They won it through the numbers and a healthy dose of manipulation.

The right person with the right motivation and determination could make things for wolves very difficult and I could feel that time coming. The one where we were sent backward, back to before we were allowed to live near human dwellings.

NOT MY ALPHA {+18}Where stories live. Discover now