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I slammed Arlo into the wall of my room, hard enough to hear the thud. He grunted his body tense, struggling against my hold on him.

I fisted his clothes in my hand tighter and pressed him harder against the wall. I pinned his body there, his feet dangling off the ground.

"If that bracelet electrocutes Mackenzie one more fucking time," I growled, low and dangerous, "You will never see your daughter again, do you understand me?"

I wasn't lying.

It had been 48 hours since they had zapped her in the arena. She hadn't woken up.

"S-s-sorry, Alpha Ryken. The Brain handles the experiments. I can't go against him. We have to be united in all things or they don't work," he stammered, trying to breathe as I put more pressure on his chest with my fist.

I leaned in closer, my harsh breaths near his face, "She has a fucking heart condition!" I growled, my voice growing, the anger inside me with it.

I slammed him into the wall again then dropped him to the ground and turned to her still-sleeping body.

Why wasn't she awake yet?

Arlo had been monitoring her, given her more of the injection he had given in the morning. But it had done nothing.

She looked so peaceful like she was sleeping.

But she wasn't. She had passed out.

Because of the scientists.

"We have lowered the voltage on her wrist. We weren't sure how high it could be before her heart was affected. Now we know," Arlo said, fixing his lab coat and going to the computer.

My fists clenched at my sides, anger still riling through me.

I had tried to convince myself that it didn't matter, that she didn't. If she died because they caused it then that was good for me. I had been given a kill order for her so it saved me the trouble.

That was what I should've thought when she fell from the spectator box, her eyes rolling back in her head, her body going limp.

But I hadn't.

I had thought about her fire being snuffed out. Her sass going silent. Her smirk turning lifeless.

And I had reacted, catching her before she could crash into the water.

I didn't regret it.

I should. And Dana had made it clear that I had made a mistake. But looking at Mackenzie's pale face, I didn't feel like it was.

I did feel the need to shift burning through me though and that was getting more and more inconvenient.

"I've checked over the map. Those tunnels you highlighted that aren't on the main maps, only the scientists know of them?" I demanded, getting back to my task because it was all I could do and it involved taking the scientists out.

Arlo nodded.

"Yes. There are five routes. We take one each, separate, and meet up in another location if we are compromised," Arlo said in a quiet voice.

He had turned off the audio for the recording of the room as I had demanded so we were free to talk.

"And the staff?"

The asshole shrugged, "Collateral."


He nodded, "Yes. We have to be. The races depend on us to make the sacrifices and decisions that others won't. It is how change comes to be."

NOT MY ALPHA {+18}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora