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When I woke it was to an irritating beeping sound. It was rhythmic and I recognized it.

My heartbeat.

So I wasn't dead.

I took a shuddery breath, wincing as my chest ached. I blinked a few times, my eyelids fluttering open.

"Mackenzie Murlow. Can you hear me?" A familiar voice said. I turned to the sound and blinked to clear the fuzzy vision I had. It didn't work.

Until someone put my glasses on.

The Doctor.

"I can hear you," I said, my voice crumbly. I cleared my throat and tried to sit up but my chest was heavy.

"Lie still, please. We're still gathering information."

I looked down at all the machines, IV lines, and patches connected to me.

I sighed, "How long was I out this time?"

"A half hour. You had a heart spasm."

"I know. I've had them before," I said, watching my vitals on the screens.

I was back to normal and I wanted out of there.

My paranoia was in full force around these scientists.

"Yes. But this one was our fault. Sorry about that. We have adjusted the formula so this won't happen again," she said with a smile. I wanted to slap it off her face.

"Adjusted the formula? What'd you do to make it happen in the first place?"

"After your body took to our drug so well, your bloods and vitals were great. Your heart readings were better than they have been in years. Unfortunately, our formula kept adapting and overloading your heart past what it could take. But never mind, it is part of the process. Now we know," she smiled again.

I gritted my teeth. They had almost killed me.

"And now? My heart is fine?"

"It is functioning well. We believe we have found a way to stop you from having heart spasms and keep your heart healthy during the experiment. Theoretically, the new formula should be handled better and be taken just as well into your body. But time will prove this hypothesis," she said in a sickly sweet way.

Oh, so another experiment. Yay.

I rolled my eyes and watched the monitors.

"When can I leave?" I asked.


"And the others?" I asked.

"Have just moved into movie time. I believe Viking and Hope have chosen to turn in early. The rest are in the cinema room. You can join them if you like," she offered.

I nodded.

She took all of the connected things off and out of my body and I got off the bed.

I was still achy in my chest but the rest of me was fine.

"Follow the arrows," she said, dismissing me.

I followed them to the rec area, down hall after hall. A commotion at the elevator at the end of the hall caught my eye.

Staff were running as a fight broke out.

There was a guy with a pale face, half a shaved head, stubble, and red-rimmed, blood-shot eyes fighting through the staff. He was skinny and had blood dripping down his arm.

"Let me go!" he screamed. My heart raced as I watched him try to break away from the staff coming at him. They were trying to pin him down. They had syringes and bracelets that were attached to lock his wrists and ankles.

NOT MY ALPHA {+18}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora