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Arlo had said nothing about a tracker. Or cutting the link. Or even the secret location.

Asshole needed to get taught a lesson in communication.

I gritted my teeth as the pack link was severed and pain filled my head. Whatever blocker they had put in the tracker, sucked.

It worked though and I could no longer communicate with my pack.

It was an inconvenience but not impossible to work around. I still had plans and if I pulled them off then I was going to make sure Arlo was the first one on the receiving end.

My thoughts were blurred when Mackenzie's leg brushed mine again.

I tensed, trying to move further away from her touch but there was no point because the box we were in was tiny. Like an elevator but worse because this one had the hybrid in it.

She was a distraction I couldn't afford. Her coconut scent covered everything and I made it my side quest to destroy every lotion she touched to stop that scent from affecting me.

But it did.

Whatever she put on her skin, I wanted to get closer to.

And she fucking knew it too. As much as I turned her on, she knew she had the same effect and she used it like the bitch she was.

I knew it and there was nothing I could do about it.

"A secret location. Cleansing. Grooming. Said nothing like that in the contracts we signed," Dana growled.

"You signed over the rights to your body. What did you think they were going to do with it?" Viking chuckled.

He was probably the one wolf in my entire pack that I wanted with me. He went with the flow and was very low maintenance.

Unless his family were threatened. Then he was the most savage beast we had.

My father thought he was too soft, that Sullivan was the brute but they hadn't seen Viking defend the ones he cared about to their last breath. I had.

He was the only beta I trusted at my back because of it. And I knew that was a mutual feeling since he vowed his loyalty to me alone.

My father had no idea that we had taken the brotherhood oath but I wasn't about to tell him. He'd killed people for less.

If his wolves vowed their loyalty to anyone but him, he saw that as a betrayal. He'd kill Viking and make me watch. Or make me do it.

So that was our secret. One that bound us. Which is why he kept looking at me with a smirk and then flicking his eyes to the tiny hybrid next to me who insisted on pushing my boundaries.

Viking thought it was hilarious but then he'd always had a different view than the pack. He was only in it because I was.

He didn't care about humans, werewolves, or hybrids. His sights were set on the scientists.

His sister had applied to be in the last experiment they had done. She had never made it back.

They had sent an apology letter to him with his sister's ashes. And donated to the pack house.

Viking had sworn to kill them. I was giving him that chance.

"So. Any guesses on where we're heading? I'm betting on Australia. Lots of outback and poisonous things," Viking said, leaning back against the wall, folding his bulky arms, and stretching out his legs.

He was as tall as I was but he was much bulkier. He never wore the braid either.

It was his little act of defiance that my father let him get away with because he was helpful in a fight. And everyone else was too scared to take him on.

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