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I walked through double doors at the end of another white hall and into the arena we had been sent to for our first test. It was a circle with high walls and a spectator box at the top. All the scientists were there.

The scientist we were meant to call The Brain stood at the center of the spectator box with a controller in his hand. He was wearing a grin that made my entire body prickle.

I looked back at Ryken who avoided my eyes like he had been all morning. The others were already there except Viking who was with Hope, walking in behind Ryken.

"He looks way too proud of himself for this to be good for us," I murmured.

"It wouldn't be a test if it was easy," Viking grinned.

He was right about that but I still wasn't looking forward to it.

"Subjects. Welcome to test time," The Brain said from the spectator box. His voice echoed around the arena and I tried to hide the flinch it made me do. He made me uneasy. I wasn't sure why but I knew I was about to find out.

"The tests you will endure over the next few weeks with us are designed to prove and disprove our theories concerning the drug you will be ingesting. You will do the test without the drug. Then you will be given the drug and be expected to do the test again. This will show us the differences between your mental, emotional, and physical states," The Brain explained.

He waited only a second for us to digest what he said before he pressed a button on his controller.

Three giant tubes opened from around the arena, pouring in water. I gasped and moved closer to the others, all of us moving to the center of the arena.

"Are these tests fatal?" I demanded, looking at the water pouring in and the sealed arena we were locked in.

The Brain shrugged, "Can be. If you don't pass. But it is quite a simple test. Survive is your only goal. We will be analyzing and recording your reactions and ways of surviving from here."

I went wide-eyed at that revelation.

"Explain the test," Ryken growled, his fists clenched, his eyes glaring daggers at the scientists.

So was Viking, his anger palpable as Hope curled into his side, staring at the water with wide eyes that I'm sure I had too.

"Of course," The Brain grinned, "The arena is going to fill with water to about halfway. Your goal is to survive until we've completed our analysis."

I raised a brow at that. We just had to float in the water? For how long?

"Is there an escape? Are we meant to find one?" I asked.

The Brain smirked and looked over his shoulder at the others who all nodded once at him.

"It is your decision how you survive. You can look for a way out. You can simply float until the water is gone. Or you can give up."

"Is there a way out to look for though?" Sullivan demanded.

The Brain shrugged, "That's the catch. We cannot interfere. It will alter the results. If this were a true circumstance, you would have to survive however you needed to. You wouldn't know the answer to that question."

I shook my head as the arena filled and started soaking my pants. It was already up to my knees.

I scanned the room. I took in every detail I could. Every door had a red bulb above it showing it was locked. I tried to see if there was a way out before the water covered everything.

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