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She's changed.

Mackenzie Murlow is not the ten year old that showed up on the pack's doorstep all those years ago.

She was an innocent little thing back then and the pack would have eaten her alive. She wouldn't have survived us which is why she had to go.

She was safer with the humans but now? She was a thorn, a fiery spikey one that had surprised me at every point in the pre-tests.

I had no idea she had been through so much but it wasn't surprising considering what she was.

"Your father is waiting for your report," My driver, Gregorio said, looking in the rearview mirror. I nodded and looked down at my phone that was blowing up with pack messages.

Two others from the Storm Blood pack had been accepted so far. It wasn't enough. We needed more on the inside if we had any hope of taking out the scientists.

They were bending too many rules, playing God with too many of us, it was time to remind them who put them on their pedestals.

They had taken so many pack lives for the last great experiment and maybe it had been worth it.

Not having to turn on the full moon and being in complete control of our natures was a huge turning point for our kind. But they had done hundreds of experiments.

Taking more and more willing wolves and humans for experiments that usually failed. And we were running out of wolves.

Packs were getting smaller, our reproductive rates dropping. It was more of a crisis than a fucking pheromone which my father was going to be fuming about.

I scrolled through the messages, filtering out the ones that didn't matter before getting to Arlo's name. The scientist getting paid to get some of the pack into the trials.

"You qualified without me needing to convince them so you're in. Your attraction with the hybrid was unprecedented, the strongest connection we've had so far. Are you sure you're not mates?" He asked and I scowled at my phone.

I would know if she was my fucking mate and then I'd throw myself off a cliff because that would be easier than telling my pack I had mated with a hybrid.

"Not a chance. Just want to fuck her but sounds like that's exactly what I'm going to be doing with this experiment. Why are you fucking with the pheromones? What's so important about this one that you're handing out 50k?" I asked him.

"I can't say. It'd jeopardize the results," Arlo messaged back and I rolled my eyes. For a double agent, he was annoyingly reclusive.

He didn't know we planned to take out the scientists, of course, he only knew we wanted in. The money, the glory, the same bullshit I had sold Mackenzie.

I didn't message Arlo back, there was no point. I'd see him tomorrow but for now, I had to face my father and tell him what went down.

Gregorio pulled into the gated driveway, buzzing us in before taking us up the dirt drive to the sprawling ranch that housed the Storm Blood Pack.

It was a stunning place with stone and wood meeting everywhere, the view showing off the lake in front and the grass hills out back.

It look so removed from the Detroit area and it was. A half an hour drive removed to find this little slice of Storm Blood land and it was worth every minute.

I climbed out of the car, heading straight in through the huge double doors. The stone foyer and exposed beaming lit up on my entrance, the place warm and bright with fireplaces and wooden chandeliers.

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