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The rest of the shower was a torture I didn't think I would survive. I wanted more of Ryken and he wanted more of me. That much I was pretty sure everyone could sense.

We all ignored it though.

We had to because that damn bell never went off.

I gritted my teeth the entire time. I washed my body free of his touch, cleaned my teeth, dried, and dressed.

Everyone did the same then we all made our way to the next part of the schedule.

I watched as we all followed the arrows towards the dining hall for breakfast.

It was like we really were prisoners. I felt like one.

I couldn't be myself, I couldn't resist Ryken, I couldn't relax.

I ate my breakfast like the starved hybrid I was, ignoring the grossed-out looks from the others who would never understand.

It passed quietly for a change. Dana had shut her trap. Sullivan just glared.

The rogues glared too. They were not a fan of the pack or me so seeing us together must have really got to them.

But something about the way one in particular looked at me gave me chills. His look was so hostile. Passed what the others wore.

I let it go and followed to the next part of our schedule.

We were led by a new staff member to the 'rec area'.

It was officially my favorite area.

There was a sprawling fake grass area. It had a fake sky with a fake sun. It was beautiful.

The huge circular grass area had bench seats, some cushion areas, and a big fake tree on the far side with shade.

There were a couple of chess tables and art easels too.

Around the walls that closed in the area were sliding doors. Each one led into a different rec room.

One had a court and a variety of balls for it.

One was a gaming room with different consoles and a huge living area in front of a multiple-screen situation. There were a few arcade games, even PCs which we were informed had no access to the internet.

The third room was a cinema area with twin recliners that folded out into beds with blankets and cushions in front of a huge screen. The room was a total black out and the variety of movies was unnecessary but available.

The last room was my favorite. A library. A room lined with books of all kinds. There was even a moving ladder. Cozy chairs with cushions and throws. A few desks were littered throughout the room too.

I was moving in.

The staff took us back to the grass area.

"You will be in these rooms until you are called for your bloods and vitals in the labs. Your bracelet will buzz when it is your turn. You'll come down in your pairs by following the arrows. Then you will return here until everyone has had their turn. Snacks are available from the vending machines in the gaming room and at the table in the theatre room if you are peckish. There is a single toilet in each room, only one in there at a time," the staff member explained and then checked his watch.

He looked back at us, "Rules for the rec area are simple. No intercourse unless the bell goes off. Do not leave the rec areas until it is your turn," he said.

If they were the only rules, then I was fucked.

That was clear when Sullivan decided to speak, "Say we get in a fight. Is that allowed?"

NOT MY ALPHA {+18}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat