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The clinic was the most modern building in the city. And nobody but the scientists had been past the lobby. Unless you were a subject or volunteer.

The ones who survived the tests went in but they never came out. Not unless they were successful. That had been years ago.

It hadn't seemed to deter many applicants from the 50K though. I'd die for that kind of money. Especially when the alternative was not worth living for.

Depressing but true.

I looked down at my phone and watched the clock tick over from 8.59 to 9.00 and took a deep breath.

This was it.

I officially belonged to the scientists. For the Summer. Hopefully.

It filled me with nervous dread and a tiny glimmer of hope that whatever they did to us didn't destroy any hope I had of a normal life.

I walked up the front steps in front of the clinic. The blurred glass that surrounded the huge towering building hid what lay behind it from me.

As I gripped the handle for the door, the same black car that had picked up Ryken yesterday, drove up to the curb in front of the steps.

I paused and watched as a man with gray hair tied back in a ponytail, a suit hiding a frail form and dark tan skin got out and opened the door.

Of course, his highness couldn't even open his own door.

Ryken stepped out moments later and I sucked in a breath at the way his presence hit me.

He was in a tight black shirt. Black jeans. Biker boots. With tattoos and his dark braid down his back.

But his aura was what hit the hardest. Not the clean stubble, not the hard glare he directed at me. It was the overwhelming Alpha vibe that radiated off him. It made me want to kneel.

That was the last thing I wanted to do but the wolf in me recognized it's Alpha and wanted to please him.

In obedience. And other ways.

I fought against that instinct with everything inside me and since I didn't drop right there on the concrete steps, I guess that meant I won that internal battle. Thank fuck for that.

Ryken finished glaring at me then turned and looked back towards the sleek black car.

More Storm Blood pack climbed out.

Viking. He was tall, built like a fucking tank, and had long dark blonde hair. He always wore it the same way, half up, half down with a braid.

He looked the same as he did when I was 10. I remembered him standing with Ryken. He glared too but he didn't have the same hardness in his eyes. He also reeked.

The man smelled like a brewery and groaned like he'd drunken everything in it.

I smirked, knowing that hungover-feeling well. Not that I had ever tried their werewolf alcohol, that shit would put me on my ass.

Viking nodded towards me and I nodded back.

Wow, at least one of them knew the meaning of respect.

Ryken growled at Viking who rolled his eyes at the Alpha and looked away from me. Interesting. Most would die for such a look at the Alpha. Not Viking though. That meant they were close.

I stored that bit of information in my head in case I needed it later.

I should have gone inside then but something held me there. I knew what it was, or rather who. But I still stayed.

NOT MY ALPHA {+18}Where stories live. Discover now