Chapter 26

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The bitter headache was torturous, the intensity burning my brain, making me groan

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The bitter headache was torturous, the intensity burning my brain, making me groan. The sun's rays made me furrow my brow and turn to the other side to cover myself.

I grabbed the edge of the white blanket, completely hiding my body. Wait, I don't have a white blanket. In the room, there are only simple gray sheets of dubious origin. I ignored the pain and quickly got up, my vision still blurry, but I didn't care knowing I wasn't in the room with the other initiates.

The images of the previous night flooded my mind quickly, and I widened my eyes in alarm. I was in a room, the floor was white marble, a large window that spanned half the width of the wall illuminated the room, the curtains that were open were gray with black, and the walls were white with a bluish-gray hue. It was a man's room, perfectly organized, with the kitchen and dining area in the background. The space was large, I doubted if it was really a room; it seemed more like the entire floor of a building.

Did James take me to his room?

I observed my clothes; I wasn't wearing the dress anymore. Instead, I had on a black wool sweater a size larger than me. I still had my bra and panties on; nothing physically hurt me except for my head and stomach. I hadn't been sexually assaulted; of that, I was certain. But that doesn't explain where I am.

I looked around; I was at the edge of the bed, and a mural of white and gray pillows blocked the other side. I peeked around, intrigued, and it seemed someone had slept here. I sighed; I need to leave. I need to get out of here.

The latch of the door clicked, and it opened. I could see who it was from behind the pillows.

He entered and rolled his eyes, closing the door behind him and walking to the kitchen while I was surprised to see him.

"At last, you're awake." he commented.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my throat dry, my voice raspy and low.

Eric turned to look at me with a smile as he took a cup from the cupboard. "I live here," he replied simply, frowning as I looked around the room again. Eric is very tidy, very clean, and the colors of these walls matched perfectly.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

He took the coffee maker and poured coffee. His actions were relaxed, showing a calm and focused demeanor despite having me hungover in his room. He walked over to me and handed me the cup along with a capsule. "Hangovers are horrible, aren't they?" he asked mockingly.

"Everything hurts," I complained.

"The pill will help you," he pointed to the white capsule. "That's what happens when you mix vodka, then brandy, and tequila on your first time drinking," he informed. "Do you remember what happened yesterday?" he asked calmly.

I took a sip of the coffee, delicious coffee that revived my soul once again, and placed the pill on my tongue before taking another sip of coffee. "Tiana, Andrea, and I went to the bar, we drank, James gave me a drink, and I accepted," I frowned as I looked at a fixed point trying to remember. "I remember being very drunk, I couldn't stand up; James took me to a couch, I drank again, and I remember being in a hallway walking with him. He cornered me and started kissing me, I refused, and..." I trailed off, my memories were blurry, I had big gaps. I looked up, Eric's face showed annoyance and seriousness as he leaned against the gray wall in front of the bed, next to the white furniture. "You arrived."

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