Chapter 60

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Two days had passed, and I finally got out of that hospital room

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Two days had passed, and I finally got out of that hospital room. My wounds were still visible and occasionally painful, but in terms of health, I was fine, thanks to the medication. Since I no longer had access to Eric's exclusive circle, I couldn't obtain the magical erudite medicine, so I had to rely on the standard recovery process like any ordinary person. I confided everything to Raphael, who agreed to be a thorn in Eric's side and intervene whenever he could. Just like the proposal Tiana once made to me, I planned to pursue the sexy bearded bartender, and Raphael agreed to introduce us, given their mutual acquaintance.

"Don't be surprised if I kiss you, I have to get into character." he joked.

I was also grateful for Raphael's understanding; he refrained from saying "I told you so," knowing he was right.

Now my concern was Tiana. She hadn't shown up during my two-day hospital stay, which worried me. Hall informed me that Tiana had been punished for insulting Eric and was tasked with cleaning up all of Dauntless. Determined to confront Eric about this, I sought out Tiana to bring her along and send a clear message. I enlisted Freya's support, knowing that Max was backing up Eric. It felt like dealing with a dysfunctional family, with conflicts escalating to the parental figures.

As I was about to ascend the stairs towards the old initiation rooms, I encountered the redhead in the hallway, diligently cleaning the floor with a rag. Now it was time for Eric to listen to me. Another girl stood nearby with her arms crossed, observing Tiana. I approached them, prompting Tiana to turn her attention towards me.

"Grace? You should be in the hospital." she whispered.

"Get up." I ordered as I reached her side.

She seemed hesitant, glancing at the girl beside her for approval. "I'm your leader, you have to listen to me. Get up." I demanded.

The redhead stood up, facing me, and my anger surged. "Who gave you that bruise?" I continued with a question.

"I did." the girl interjected, frowning. "She's very mouthy."

If my hands weren't injured, I would have clenched them tightly. I took the rag that Tiana had.

"Let's go, leave that there."I told my redhead friend.

I took the rag, carefully balling it up to avoid hurting myself, and tossed it to the Dauntless girl.

"I'll lift the stupid and absurd punishment." I told the girl.

I took Tiana's back to steer her away from there.

"You can't do that, she insulted and disrespected a higher authority. She has to serve her punishment." the Dauntless girl approached, grabbing my shoulder to turn me around.

This is the last straw. I angrily removed her hand and walked towards her, pushing her aside. My hands hurt, but I had to ignore it and confront her.

"Tell the idiot who put you here to shove his stupid punishment up his ass. She's not going to do anything." I raised my chin, facing her.

OVERTHROW - Eric CoulterWhere stories live. Discover now