Chapter 62

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Having the same clothes as yesterday is not pleasant, it's very uncomfortable, especially if I didn't wear underwear due to being in a hurry. I'm infinitely grateful for putting on the first sweater I found before leaving, otherwise, it would have been obvious that I didn't have a bra either. Now, I had to enter a room I had never seen before in my life. It was dark, and there were only a few people: Max, Eric, Hill, and me.

As Hill closed the door behind her, Eric grumbled impatiently. "Have you finished screwing the waiter?"

I could see Max's surprise at his words as he turned to him with a furrowed brow.

"Yes, Eric, I'm done." I smiled without showing my teeth, walking towards them with Hill by my side. "And it's not a waiter, it's a bartender."

Eric huffed, rolling his eyes. I admit I loved his face, he couldn't stand the thought of me being with anyone other than him.

"Don't be jealous, Eric." Hill enjoyed the scene. 'Don't blame her, Tom is a delicacy and he's in the Major League.'"

"Tom?" Max interjected. "Are we talking about the same Tom, Hill?"

"Yes!" Hill replied. "I found him in Grace's room half-naked with the wrapper of condoms on the floor."

"I don't think it's necessary to be so specific." I grimaced, but I was ignored by two older leaders who were gossiping as if it were nothing.

"Do you want to go back?" Max asked with a smile.

"No." Hill said, her expression full of malice, like a true diva. "He's a hypocrite, he couldn't resist. He screwed our Grace even after what he told us."

"He's just a damn waiter." Eric intervened, his brow furrowed.

At that moment, I realized Eric didn't know that Tom had been a leader, so I can assume he resigned years after Eric moved to this faction.

"Oh, sweetheart." Hill smiled maliciously. "You have no idea who Tom is."

Max let out a nasal laugh, avoiding Eric's gaze, making it clear he wouldn't tell him who Tom was. Then he turned to me.

"Don't look at me either, I'm in the dark just like you." I shrugged, avoiding the topic.

The door was opened again, and two guards entered, taking positions as Jeanine from Erudite herself walked in.

What is she doing here?

Both Max, Hill, and Eric approached her.

"Max, Hill, Eric, it's a pleasure to see you."Jeanine greeted them, shaking hands with each. "And you must be Grace, right? The new leader that Ronald authorized before taking a break."

I shook her cold hand for the first time.

"Pleasure to meet you, Jeanine." I forced a smile.

"The pleasure is mine. Ronald couldn't stop talking about you in that meeting. It was time to see the potential of the new leader." she smiled.

I nodded, and Max stole her attention, thanking her profusely.

One thing I'm sure of, these are the big leagues. Hill said it once, Freya isn't invited to adult conversations, just like Shira, although she's dead now. Jeanine is here, the conversation is for adults, and if something illegal needs to be done, it will happen under the table.

I'm with a bunch of murderers gathering for the extermination of Divergents, and I'm becoming one of them.

It's ironic to think they believe their protocols work and they can capture Divergents, but I'm living proof that their system is crap, and in front of them stands a Divergent.

OVERTHROW - Eric CoulterWhere stories live. Discover now