Chapter 66

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How much time has passed? A week? Two weeks? I think 3 weeks, yes, it was 3

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How much time has passed? A week? Two weeks? I think 3 weeks, yes, it was 3.

Three weeks have passed and slowly things are returning to normal. There are still people in the hospital, and Abnegation offered their help, but Max refused to accept it, so it's just us trying to recover. The absence of the bold ones is evident, especially in the infirmary, even Freya spends the whole day at the hospital. I haven't seen Four, I know he's in his room and rarely comes out. I know he's sad and I could even say depressed, especially because Dauntless refused to give him Andrea's ashes.

Hall is not well, since at Tiana's funeral, he admitted he felt something for her. Hill reproached me for killing Andrea, as she would have liked to use a torture technique and had planned to apply it to her. Confirming once again what Four told me. We lost many leaders, those of us who are still alive have divided the tasks among ourselves. It's very clear that the next one will surely have more than one person holding the position.

Damian died shortly after he killed Ronald, I hadn't noticed their deaths those days until I saw Ronald's and Eric told me why he killed Damian. I feel devastated, the first week, there wasn't a night where I didn't cry and dream of Tiana drowning in her blood. Eric's presence helped me, his support was undeniable, and Horus's arrival was a relief, he had been lost until Freya arrived with him in her arms.

"What are we doing here?" I asked curiously as Eric took out a key. After the meal where he never left me alone, he led me to the rooms, asking me to accompany him.

He opened the door and signaled for me to enter first, so I did. It was a large room, a desk at the beginning, next to it was the living room with plush armchairs, and next to it was a very large window, on the right side was the kitchen, fully integrated with the dining area next to it. The color scheme was between gray and white with black accents. I nodded, taking in the space.

"It's nicer than the previous one you had, did you change it?" I asked, turning around with a half-smile and arms crossed.

"It's yours." he responded.

"Mine?" I asked in surprise.

"Max authorized a new room for you, I chose it, and I took the liberty of furnishing it." he shrugged. "Come on, let me show you the bed."

He took my hand, winked at me, and pulled me towards the kitchen.

We passed by it to enter a hallway and walked towards the door where the bed was, a mattress twice the size of the previous one with Horus lying on it.

"Right, your things are already here." Eric informed.

I smiled.

"I got a nice room because I killed a friend, what irony." I said, turning to look at Eric, closing my eyes with a half-smile. "You have good taste." I confirmed. "Thank you."

He approached me, kissing me with a smile on his face as his hands held me firmly.

He hadn't said he loves me again, and to be honest, I don't need it, as his company and the way he has refused other girls are enough for me.

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