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Bhumika's pov

But the face that I saw next moment made me rub my eyes to see if it is real.

"Who he is??" I asked the same boy.
"He is our CEO ADHUVA MAHAJAN" he replied.
What the hell. Me working in his company never. He will only give me more work which will not be even my job.
His eyes were roaming in whole room then landed on me. Smirking a little at me he went to his cabin.

After that all of us sat on our chairs and started doing our work. Working for like 25 minutes I was called by CEO in his cabin.

Without knocking I went inside his cabin.

"Who the hell dares to enter in withou..." As he was about to complete his yelling his eyes landed on me. Smirking a little he sat on his chair and leaned back looking at my folded arms figure.
"Finally you came. You know I was missing you so much" he said looking at me.
"Why did you shifted me here?? I know you have some plan behind this right??" I said.
" Babygirl, it is only my concern for you. I can't let you train in that company and training in our company is beneficial for you. No one will dare to say anything to you once they get to know that you are my wife. That was why I was calling you to decide when to tell them about us being hubby- wifey" he stated coming near me pulling my cheeks.

"Huh.. that will not happen. listen you! I will train here as a trainee not as your wife. Understood, I don't want a new issue to be created. Listen now tell me why you called me in your cabin" I stated.
"I told you. I was missing you that's why and from now on you will work in my cabin" he said making me look at him in disbelief.

"But how will you give reasoning for me working in your cabin." I stated smirking at my smartness.
"Don't worry you just see." Saying that he called someone after sometime Miss. Aradhna came in the cabin.
"So..aradhna I am thinking that the trainee should work in my cabin so that I can keep an eye on them how they work it will be better for them too as I will teach them when they have a problem" he stated looking at me in his last words.

"Okay sir. That's a good idea" she agreed and the smirk from my face suddenly washed out. Saying that she left to her cabin.
"Now, you can't so anything baby." He stated.
"Huh..fine I am only working here because I don't want to create a scene" I said.
"I will go pick my stuff and files" I said going outside of cabin.

Coming inside the cabin I placed the files on table and sat on the couch.
"Call other trainees too" I said.
"Huh?" He asked confused.
"Call other trainees you know other CA aspirants" I said making him look up from his laptop at me with a smirk.
"What??" I asked.
"You know your this innocence makes me want to do things to you that are beyond your imagination." He said making me look away from him.
"Do you know why everyone was congratulating you on getting transferred here" he asked.

"Because I got this big opportunity to train here?" I said unsure of my reply.
"No, because you are the only one who get to train in this company. I never let any trainee come in this company because it's so much headache. Making them understand, teaching them is one of the head aching things. But only you get to train here. Soo basically to reply you ques. No I can't call any other CA aspirant here cause you are the only one here" he said making me look at him in disbelief.
"Seriously Adhuva you transfered me here intentionally. Why??" I asked.
"Baby, because I want to spend time with you. You know you get busy in your work and I get busy in my work so we don't have time to spend with each other that's why" he replied.

"But what about my training??" I asked
"Don't worry I can give you better training. You can ask me about any problem you find I will help you" he said.
"Now work" he said getting back in his laptop.

After like 4-5 hours of work suddenly someone enters in the cabin. Upon seeing it was miss.Aradhna.

"Sit here" Adhuva stated without looking up from his laptop.
"Tell me why you called me here??" She asked.
"To tell you something" he said.
"Soo..aradhna there's a thing that you don't know" he said getting up from his chair and leaning against his table.
"What thing??" She inquired.
"Me and bhumika are married. She is Mrs Bhumika Adhuva Mahajan and I am Adhuva Bhumika Mahajan." He said making me look at him with wide eyes.
"Huh?? So you are saying that you and this CA aspirant is hubby and wifey?" She stated pointing at me.

"Mind your language her name is bhumika" he said coldly.
"Okay okay. So how did it happened?" She asked.
"That's none of your concern. I just wanted you to know that she is my wife. I will not tolerate any bad words or disrespect against her. And she is my wife so behave with her after thinking" he replied.
"Now leave" he said to her coldly.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that in a mean way" she said before going out.

"Do you have anything in your brain or is that empty. I said to you earlier naa that I don't want to reveal our relationship but your brain doesn't understand right" I said coming near him.
"First of all mind your language I will not tolerate this and what I did is for our best." He said sitting on his seat.
"How the fvck is that best for me. The more I remember now I will be recognized as your wife here. She will tell everyone about this" I said.

"Don't worry I told her because I trust her and I told her so that she can help you with things when I am not here." He said.
"Huh.. what ever" I stated and started going towards couch.
"Wait you cursed right?? Yeah you did cursed" he said grabbing my arm making  me land on his lap.
"What.. are you doing??" I stated wriggling in his hold.
"So what should I do to you"he said looking at me from up to down.
"Umm..no...no..no.." he said don't know what cooking in his mind.
"Yeah so your punishment is you will leave early with me at 5pm so that we both can spend time together." He said.
"No wa.." I tried.
"No argues or I have other punishments as well" he stated looking me up and down.
Silently getting down from his lap I went towards my couch and focused on the remaining files.

After 2 hours.
"Pack up it's 4:55" he said getting up from his seat.
"Wait just thirty minutes" I stated not wanting to go with him.
"Not any thirty minutes we are going right now" he stated taking the file from my hand.
"Get up we don't have time." He said grabbing my hand making me stand.

"Let's go" he said grabbing my hand.
" But how can I go with you. You are my boss I can't go with you??" I said.
"Yeah. Okay. So you go ahead and wait a little farther from this building I will come there in five minutes." He stated sitting on the sofa.
"Hmm" I hummed and went outside.

Going outside the building I went farther about ten minutes distance.
After like five minutes Adhuva came with his car. Sitting in the car I dropped my bag in the backseat and hooked my seatbelt.

"Stop here" I stated after sometime when I saw a juice shop.
"What happened?" He asked stopping the car.
"I want to take two glasses of pomegranate juice from here" I said.
"Okay. You wait here I will get them" he stated while unbuckling his seatbelt.

Going outside he crossed the road and went towards the shop.

After sometime
"Ohho..I forgot to tell him not add salt in the juices." I stated while getting down from the car.

Just as I was about to cross the road I saw Adhuva but can't hear him because of horns of cars.

"Sta..y behi..nd" I listened as I turned to my left to see a car speeding towards me with high speed.

That's for now. How's the chapter??

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