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Bhumika's pov

"Goddess" he said coming towards me
caressing my hand.
"You look like goddess my goddess" he said as he kissed my forehead. His gesture giving me swarms of butterflies in my stomach.
"Pack this dress" he said the girl as she came in with some more bags.
"Ok sir".

"What is in this bags" I asked confused.
"Dresses for you" he said.
"But I already have so many dresses then what's the need to buy this dresses. I cannot wear them that's to expensive" I said not liking him spending so much money on things that I already have..

"Huh..you and your tantrums. Baby this all dresses are yours you will wear them. I don't care if you wear or not. And if it is about money I had told you I earn for you. And you don't even spend a penny from it so only I am the one who will spend it and I like to spend it for you. That's all" he said.

Knowing that I will not win from him in this topic I shut my mouth.

"Let's buy this. You go and change" he said.
"Hmm" humming in response I went inside the room to change into my previous clothes.
"Let's go" I said going in front of him..

"Thank you mam for purchasing from our shop" the lady on the billing station said.
"Now it's time for your outfit" I said dragging him with me in a tuxedo showroom.

"Welcome sir and mam. What would you like to see??" A salesgirl said coming towards us.
"We would like to see some tuxedos" I said dragging Adhuva with me as he looked uninterested.
"Sure mam. You both wait here I will show you our most selling and best tuxedos" the girl said going towards other way.
"Which color do you like to wear??" I asked .
"Which one you will chose I like to wear it" he said.
"Mam here" the girl said coming with tuxedos.
"Here" I said passing him the tuxedo which I liked in one glance.

Grabbing the tuxedo he went towards trial room to change.
Coming outside in the tuxedo he was looking sexyy. My goodness I cannot believe they this sexy man is mine.

"Baby, stop drooling I know you are head over heels for me. But if you keep staring like this I might take you here. And you know what I am talking" he whispered coming near me his cologne hitting my nose. It scented like some I don't know what's the name of the thing but it is addiction I can smell it every minute.

"Baby do you really want me to" he said his hand slightly caressing my waist and his eyes locked into mine.

"Excuse me mam sir?" The girl said making me come out of my drooling session.
"This one is looking hot I mean looking nice on you." I said seeing how his eyes teased me when I called him hot.

"Pack this one" he said.
"What about your choice?" I asked.
"Your likes my likes" he said before going inside the changing room.

After shopping everything we are in the car.

"Let's go to some restaurant." Adhuva said driving the car.
"Yup! I am hungry" I said looking up from my mobile.

Arriving at the restaurant we ordered a pizza and some Mac and cheese.

"Hmm..so tasty!" I said taking first bite of pizza.
"Glad you like it" Adhuva said taking the slice of the pizza.

"Adhuva tell me one thing" I said.
"Hmm ask" he replied.
"How do you always manage to take me to such amazing restaurants. Every restaurant I have been to with you is best." I said.
"Nothing just some knowledge about what my girl will like and what she will hate" he said giving me butterflies at the my girl.
"Anyways..eat quickly we have to go it's already 6:30 and the ball starts at eight." I said as I finished eating the slice of pizza.

"It's alright. Nobody will dare to talk anything even if reached there two hours later" he said seeing how I sped up seeing the time.
"Ohh..but still you are a hard-working man and being unpunctual doesn't suits you" I said.
"Ohh..so you think I am hard working. Well thank you for the appreciation mam" he said bowing a little.
"Your welcome Mr." I said also bowing in response.

At home.

"Baby, get ready faster." Adhuva said pacing around the room.
"Don't you dare to say anything more mr.adhuva. I was telling you earlier that we should eat faster. But you told me that no one will dare to say anything even if we reach two hours later. You are ready but I am not it's not my fault that you got ready in thirty minutes." I said my anger taking my best he have been annoying me since last twenty minutes.
"Baby but I.."
"Shut up" I said cutting him off.

"Need some help??" He said coming near me as I was having problem hooking the necklace behind my neck.
"If you want to" I said still trying to hook it.

Without saying anything he grabbed the hook and tied it one second.
"Thanks" I replied nonchalantly.
"Baby I am sorry pls sorry. I will never do that again.. I swear you can take how much time you want to get ready. Pls talk to me don't ignore me baby..baby pls" he said coming in front of me.

"Hmm..why.should I forgive you?? You will again do this" I said going outside of room.
"No I will not do it again.i swear if I did you can do anything to me. Just talk to me. Baby I know I did mistake. Please forgive me you are my sweetheart right.please" he said trailing behind me.
"Okay..but on one condition." I said sitting on the couch.
"Okay" he said sitting beside me.
"Don't you want to know the condition??" I asked.
"Whatever you say I will agree" he replied.
"So you will give me two days off from work. You know I am tired of going everyday. Just two days only" I said.
"Although I don't quite like that I deal but still I will agree cause I can't back away from my words" he said.
"My words..do you agree??" I asked taunting him at his so called theory.
"Yes" he said.

" Let's go" I said but was stopped by a pull on my waist.
"What now??" I asked seeing how he was tightly holding me.
"Let me admire my girl perfectly" he said looking into my eyes intensely.

"Heavenly..I am feeling lucky having you as my wife" he said.
"Now Mr.philospher let's go" I said dragging him with me.

Getting in the car the driver started driving it to our destination.

"Have you been to any ball before??" I asked curious to know.
"Yupp!" He answered.
"With whom??" I asked
"No one. I used to go alone. It was always my desire to go to the balls with my beloved." He said looking into my eyes intensely and not gonna lie my time did a flip at his intense gaze.

His sudden phone ringing has us coming out of the eye contact and him picking up the call.
After that the ride was silent.

Reaching the venue it was really gorgeous.
Giving old money vibes with it's architecture. But just as I saw the paparazzi all the confidence that I had gathered for this ball was lost..


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