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Bhumika's pov..

It's been three weeks since we have started giving this relationship a chance. We are getting close each day and somewhere in my heart I have also started feeling for Adhuva. But I don't know if it is love or attraction. I have always breakup after three or four days cause I never felt something for someone.

My theory is that when you love someone.

There's a special vibe you get from them. That is different from every other person. The connection the affection everything seems different and new.  When they text you don't get irritated even you get excited talking to them. They means a lot. You will try new things for them. Your face will always lit up glancing up at them even for a moment. When they are sad you are sad. When they are angry you are angry. And I am feeling like this not fully but somethings like I am always giving new attempts to things that I have never tried just because he likes it. Seeing him frustrated I also become sad. And happy in his little successions.

"Babygirl??" Just then Adhuva came in cabin from the board meeting he had in his office.

"Yes" I answered.
"Will you be my date." He asked straight.
"What??" I asked not understanding.
"Will you be my date for the ball we have tonight" he asked now siting beside me.
"But I don't know how??" I asked.
"Don't worry you will come with me as my wife and nothing will happen I will handle everything" I asked.
"But am I perfect to be your date. I don't know how will I be there" I said nervous thinking about ball.
"You don't need to be nervous babygirl, you are perfect more than that. Nothing will happen just be yourself and enjoy. But be with me don't go anywhere without telling me. Okay??" He said.
"Okay." I replied.

"Now let's go" he said grabbing my hand.
"Where??" I asked confused.

"To shopping. Don't you want dresses make up" he said.
"Nope. You have shopped so many dresses outfits for me without telling me. Now I have dresses that I can wear Everytime without repeating it." I answered.
"But I want to shop for you come let's go" he dragging me with him.

Coming with him we entered the lift. After I started working with him. Adhuva had made an personal elevator in his office that directly goes to the parking lot where only his cars are parked.

Sitting inside the car we both went towards the malls to shop.

"Let's firstly take some gowns and dresses, then makeup,then jewellery, then heels and bags" he said planning out the whole shopping.

Going inside the showroom. A girl came towards she was around my age.

"How can I help you mam??" She said looking at me.
"Umm..we want some gowns and dresses for a ball for her" Adhuva said in place of me. Seriously I have never been this much excited to shop then how much Adhuva is for shopping for me.
"Sure sir come this way" she said showing us the way.

Coming inside the gown section there were beautiful gowns hanging on the statues and dresses were also very gorgeous.

"What type of gown do you want mam. Ball gowns, cocktail gowns" she asked as she started finding the perfect sizes for me.
"Show us all of your best gowns she will decide." Adhuva said while I was sitting there like a statue.

After like twenty minutes two girls came including the same girl. Having a bunch of hangers of gown in their hands.

Oh my gawd I think I will die in just trying this all.

"This one" Adhuva said seeing the gown he liked.
"Baby, you go and try" he said passing me the gown it was a ball gown and to be honest it was the heaviest outfit I will ever put on.

"Hmm" I hummed going inside the changing room.

After changing I came outside to only see Adhuva disapproving look.
"Umm..nope. try this one" he said again giving me another gown this was a cocktail gowns in some blueish shade.

Huffing I went towards the trial room to change.
"Umm nope.." he said after looking at me for like five minutes.
"Noo" and so on just like that he had made me change like seven dresses in the cycle of one hour.
" Show us some bodycon dresses with high thigh slit and make sure it suits in night" he said.
"Sure sir" the girl said she was also tired of going and grabbing gowns.

" Mam can you change until then" she asked unsure of my reaction.
"Sure" I said seeing how she felt relief when I didn't burst out on her.

Going inside the room I tried removing the gown but it was difficult because of the zipper. After giving it five six attempt I gave up and decided to call the girl.

"Excuse me?? Is there someone??" I asked opening the door a little.
Hearing my voice Adhuva came.
"What happened??" He asked looking confused.
"Vo.. actually the dress's zip is stuck I can't open it can you call some girl to help me." I asked.
"The girl is not here. I can help you. If you are comfortable then" he said .
"Umm okay but close your eyes. Okay??" I asked.
"Okay" he said as I opened the door further to let him enter.
"Move around" he said.
"Firstly close your eyes then I will turn around" I said.
"Fine" he said closing his eyes making sure his eyes are closed I turned around.
"Now you can do" I said grabbing my ponytail and holding it in front so he doesn't have any problem unzipping it.

His hand roamed on my back finding the zipper and trying to unzip it.
"Sorry but I have to open my eyes I can't do it without opening them" he said.
"Okay" I said thinking a little.

Grabbing the zip he tucked on it down his one hand on my neck. Finally after like few attempts he got it unzipped. His hand caressing my back giving me shivers.
"Done" he said still not moving his hands doing something on my back giving my spine tingles.
"Hmm thank you" I said moving away not handling it much.

Changing as he went outside I came out to see Adhuva with two dresses one in black colour one a little shiny white type.

"Which one do you like I like this one" he said showing me the shiny dress.
"Yup, it's going to be glamorous in night" I said agreeing to him.
"Go and try" he said giving me the dress.

Changing in the dress I came outside to see Adhuva with some bags already in his hands.

Seeing me Adhuva looked up and down at me as if fitting the image in his mind. After staring at me for like five minutes he came in the world while I stood there not knowing what to do.

"Goddess" he said coming towards me caressing my hand.
"You look like goddess my goddess" he said as he kissed my forehead. His gesture giving me swarms of butterflies in my stomach.
"Pack this dress" he said the girl as she came in with some more bags.
"Ok sir".
"What is in this bags" I asked confused.
"Dresses for you" he said.


That's it for today..

Soon MineTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang