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Adhuva's pov

"Where are you going??" She asked.

" To the couch. I know you are still not comfortable with me sleeping on the same bed as you eventhough what between us few moments ago I know you are not comfortable in it" I said.
"Who said I am not comfortable?" She asked confused.
"Wait a minute" she said coming towards couch gathering all the cushions she placed them on the bed. Aligning them.

"Now see, this is your side and this is mine. No one will cross the line of cushions. Understood" she said.
"But what if you crossed it??" I stated.
"Me! No way. You sleep peacefully" she replied sassily.

Laying on the bed we both drifted to our Dreamland.

In the morning.

I was woken up by cold breeze hitting my stomach. Rubbing my eyes I saw. My baby sleeping cuddling me. Her head was on my chest while her one hand was inside my t-shirt beside my you know what I mean.
Now I know why I am feeling breezes on my stomach.

Looking at her peaceful face. Pink lips, long lashes, cute cheeks. Uff...so much beauty. Now I can say that I have the world's expensive treasure. Just them my mobile ringed disturbing my time of admiring the beauty.

Getting up I attended the call then went towards closet. Changing into workout clothes I went towards our home in gym.

Working out for like two hours I stood up leaving the gym. Getting the protein shake I went towards our room. Coming inside the room I saw my baby tying her hair.

"Good morning babygirl." I said coming near her hugging her from behind.

"Goo~d morning Adhuva" she said moaning in between as I started leaving trails of kisses in her neck.

Putting her hair in a low ponytail she turned towards me her arms folded on her chest.

"Adhuva, I want to talk something" she said.
"What?" I asked confused.
"Umm...you know..you know I am not ready to go this fast in our relationship like directly kissing and hickeys and all. I mean I am fine with us sleeping on same bed with boundary obviously but I am not ready in this. Let's firstly know each other and know about our dislikes and likes. Then take this relationship further. You know what I mean.." she said.
"Look here" I said putting a finger under her chin making her look at me in the eyes.

"I understand and I also don't want to do things for which you are not ready. You are totally right you can always tell me when I am going farther. Okay. Let's take this relationship slowly one step mine one step yours?" I said repeating the same line she said last night making her look at me with a smile and nod.

"Now let me go I have to get ready. You and your romance. Baby I know I am hot but you can't eye fuck me whole day" I said going towards bathroom.

"What??? Hoo...you! Adhuva! So you are saying that I do romance you were the one who started kissing me. Liar" she said just as I opened the door.

"You are liar!" I said opening the door farther.
"What what. If you are not romancing then why are you coming inside the washroom while I am going to bath." I said making her look at me with wide eyes.

"What! I am not coming. I am just telling the truth. Huh.. whatever arguing with you is like hitting my head in a wall." She said defeated going towards our room.

" No matter how much you say you will still argue with me. Only me. Cause only I have the right to fight with you my lovely wifey." I said closing the bathroom door.

After bathing and changing into the formal suit. U came into the room to see none there.

"Where's she??" I stated looking for her. Just then a notification came in my mobile.

Opening the mobile I saw my baby has messaged. Opening the message it read:

My baby❣️: I am going to office with a driver. You come after having breakfast. There are some sandwiches in the micro.

Me: okay baby, I will eat them.😘.

I stated understanding why she left for office alone.

After eating the breakfast I grabbed my car keys and drove towards our office building .

Coming inside the office I saw my girl totally engrossed in work. Not giving any care to who come and who leaves.

"I think we should work on your mind activeness" I said making her flinch as a reaction the file in her hands dropped to the floor.

"What??" She asked.
"I am saying we should focus on your mind attentiveness you didn't even know that someone comes and leaves this office."I stated.
"I don't need to, my focus was on file that's why I didn't notice you coming in the office" she said picking up the file from floor.
"Now let me work you also work" she said.

Obeying her I started working on my laptop. 

"Come with two mango shakes in my cabin" I said calling up my secretary.
"Ok sir" she said just as I ended the call.
" You just take a break. You have been working since six hours continuously." I stated coming near her.
"Hmm..just this file" she said not diverting her eyes from the file.

Just then the girl knocked on the door.
"Come in" I said going towards my seat.
"Sir the shakes" she said coming with two shakes in her hands.
"Okay place them on the table and leave." I said..

But seeing at my baby she was not glaring daggers at the poor girl going outside.
"What happened??" I asked.

Bhumika's pov

What fucking hell in the world. What type of secretary does Adhuva has. She was totally trying to seduce my man. I mean the way she came her voice and her outfit. Clearly it was not professional.

"There's no one so whom are you glaring" I listened as Adhuva said.
"Huh? No one" I said.
"Anyways why didn't you hired a male secratory for you??" I said looking at him.
"Huh..why are you asking??" He asked confused at my sudden question.
"No reason..just curious. Why did you hired this girl." I said.
"Because she was deserving that's why" he said shrugging.
"Did you give her any file about rules and regulations" I asked.
"Yeah why??" He asked.
"Didn't you notice how her outfit was unprofessional. It is clearly in the rules to wear something professional" I said.
"But why are you being angry?" I asked.
"What angry? Huh... didn't you notice how she was trying to seduce you. Do you like that?? She was seducing what's mine and I observe it silently." I stopped my rant seeing how Adhuva's lips turned upwards in a smirk.

"So tell it straightforwardly that you are jealous of that poor girl. Right??" He said coming towards me.
"Now you are calling her poor. If you like her that much why don't you marry her do everything with her. Why me??" And  suddenly I was pinned to wall behind me my both arms held in tight grip by him.

"Don't you say that again. There's only one person with whom I will do everything and that's you. And if it is about that girl. I will fire her now happy??" He said inhaling my scent his nose on my neck giving me shivers running down my whole body.

"What are you doing. Leave me." I said freeing from his grip after struggling for two minutes.
" Baby you are the only person in my heart no one I mean no one will ever be replaced in your place." He said giving me the shake sitting next to me in the couch.

"Now pls talk to me. Pls." He said tone of his voice sounding like a child.
"Adhuva Mahajan I am forgiving you this time but not any other time got it" I said pointing my finger at him warning him

"Hey adhuva??" I said looking up from the laptop.
"Hmm?" He hummed.
"What I think is you should not fire that girl" i said.
"Huh?? Then what should I do" he said looking up from the laptop.
"I think you just shift her to any other company. That will be best for everyone. How's the idea??"

"Why?? Last moment you were jealous of her and told me to fire her. What got into you" he said.
"I told you I was not jealous. I was only anger. Anyways I think it will be very harsh to fire her." I said thinking about it.
"Okay my baby what you say now happy??" He said.
"Yup!" And we started working again.

That's for now.
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