Chapter 3

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Don't judge

[~•~Ikuto's view~•~]

I laid around on a small hill near the schools campus. It was nice outside so I didn't want to sit around in the class room and waist it with learning.

The guys now probably wondered where I was or why I skipped....maybe school was even over now. I kind of lost sense of time a while ago.

I closer my eyes for a few seconds just to see a picture flash into my mind. I immediately shut my eyes open ,but this picture wouldn't go away.

Silky and wavy pink hair,  wide honey golden orbs, soft rosy lips, but especially this blush on her cheeks......Hinamori-sensai...

It still sounded wrong for me calling her that.

It already had been two days since she started teaching but I still haven't used my trump card against her yet....I wanted to wait for a good opportunity.

Amu....that was her first name if I remember right...

It sounded much better than 'Hinamori-sensai'. I liked it. But I bet she'd freak out if I call her that.

I picked my cell Phone and looked at the time. School was already over but I still had detention.

I jumped up and after I patted the dust and dirt away I went back inside the school building.

I went to the classroom I usually go to and peeked trough the small glass window inside of it. There were no other students but the teacher already sat at the table.

I felt a smirk form on my lips as she brushed a pink lock behind her ear before looking back at the work sheets in front of her and resting her cheek in her palm while softly biting her pinky.

Her carefreeness at the moment really made me want to slam her on the desk and do her all night long.......sounds similar to like I do my homework....

Well....let's play...

[~•~Amu's view~•~]

"D,D,D,D+,B,D,D,C, C-, F,D,F,C,C,C" I muttered while looking trough the tests I wrote with another class today.

I sighed frustrated.

Almost all of them are older than me and then seeing this......what just went wrong...

Maybe I'm a bad teacher?,  I thought light sad.

Being teacher always was my dream. Because of my high I.Q. I never really had friends in my age but always helped my brothers with their homeworks.

I liked it so much that I though I'd be fun teaching students....but sometimes I really would want to hang out with normal people my age.

"What's with the dazed expression? You're thinking about me?" Muttered a husky voice in my ear.

Shocked I immediately jumped up to meet a pair of indigo colored eyes.

"I-I-Ikuto!!" I yelled up as I was pushed against the table and sat on the edge of it. Both his arms caged me so I couldn't escape.
"Hello Amu" he said leaning a little closer to my face.

"D-don't call me that in school!!" I yelled.

"Why not? Classes are long over" he responded.

"I don't care!!" I said.

Both of us now where quiet he just stared at was uncomfortable and made my body feel hot. I don't think I ever had a guy which was not related to me this close to me.

Hinamori-sensaiWhere stories live. Discover now