chapter 7

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[~•~Ikuto's view~•~]

I woke up to a hit on my head.

Shooked I opened my eyes as I jumped up. I looked up seeing Kukai with his fist up.

Yawning I stretched myself out on my seat. We were in class and I guess I was sleeping trough it completely.

I stood up and the two of us went to our next class which would be with Amu now. I smirked.

"Oh? By the way. What did you actually do with Hinamori yesterday?" Asked Kukai.

"Messing with her a lot" I responded a bit pissed.

"Woah, why so pissed?" He asked surprised.

"....she seriously refused me" I explained angered "the last time I was refused was when I was 5 and my mother didn't want to give me candy before breakfast" I added.

Kukai muffled a laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Nothing...but she freaked out right?"


"So isn't that good?"

I sighed while running my hand trough my hair. He doesn't understand my problem. I have a sistem. And this sisten is not to get refused by any kind of girl.

Suddenly something bumped into me. I looked down surprised seeing pink hair. It was Amu.

She took a step back and fixed her glasses before looking up at me. Her eyes widened as soon as she recognized me and her face immediately became red. Kukai and I both watched this in surprise before she fast ran past us.

"...are you still mad?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"No. That reaction sure cheered me up" I responded with a smirk.

"I feel sorry for the poor girl" he muttered.

I rolled my eyes at his last response. We both went to class. The others arrived a bit later along with Amu.

"So....we gonna write a surprise test today" she said.

"WHAT!?" most of the class.

"Don't worry....I just want to see how far you are in this class already, since you don't seem to want to show me" I explained "if you get a good grade it'll help you improve your certificate grade. If no I won't harm your grades" she added before starting to hand everyone the paper sheets.

She sat down at her table and started reading a magazine. Of course a lot of groaning and complaining was heard trough the class but in the end everyone started writting.

I was done quite fast. History wasn't really one of my bad subjects.

I starred at Amu who was sitting at her table, still reading her magazine. She was looking through the class now and than. At some point than her eyes landed on me.

She started at me for a while and I at her. A smirk soon formed on my lips. Her face turned red as she noticed and buried her head back in the magazine. A slight laugh escaped my throat.

She was honestly cute like this. But I wonder how she'd look angry?

She never had been. Even thought we did so much crap already. She always either laughed or scolded us. But never really had been angry. I wonder if I could get an angry expression out of her.

Hm...maybe I'll try at lunch break?

[~•~Amu's view~•~]

"This grades will let me peacefully sleep at night"  I sighed relieved as I looked through the tests.

Hinamori-sensaiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang