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The Truth

[~•~Amu's view~•~]

"So guys. Class dismissed for today" I said ending the class and allowing my students to leave. I sat down in my chair  sighing frustrated. I was exhausted and tiered. My youngest brother caught a cold. I love him. But good lord....he's annoying when he's cold....

I closed my eyes for a moment to relax. Suddenly I could hear the door of the classroom open. A chair was moved right in front of my desk as someone sat down.

"Aki....I won't round your 46% to a 100% so fuck off or I'll burn your room" I growled annoyed as I sat up normally and opened my eyes. Surprised I noticed but my brother in front of me. But a raven haired boy.

" sorry. I thought you were someone else" I apologized, slowly recognizing the person "you're....Habuto, right? Ikuto's and Utau's cousin" I asked.

"Oh! You remember!" He responded slightly cheerful.

"What do you want here? I don't have you in any of my classes" I asked surprised.

"Can't I greet a pretty woman?" He asked with a slight grin. I raised an eyebrow. After first meeting him Ikuto had warned me about him several times. They don't seem to get along with each other well. Though I could deal with him on my own I try keeping away from him for Ikuto.

"You's cute that you try flirting with me" I sighed annoyed "but I am deeply in love with Ikuto so it won't work. Please leave" I explained.

"Who said in trying to fli-" I cut him off with a raised eyebrow. "Okay...yeah. But you can always change to something better" he said.

"I don't need something better. I have Ikuto, he loves every shitty part about me and I love his pervertness. We're fine" I said.

"You may think he's good for you...but I bet I know a few secrets he's keeping from you" muttered Habuto with a sly grin.

"I don't mind" I responded, crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair "i live with 5 brothers and know every man has their secrets. I don't mind if Ikuto has some. It's his decision if he wants you tell me" I explained.

"Oh his adorable" he chuckled amused "but he will hurt know?"

"I am to decide if it will hurt me. If Ikuto ever would have wanted to really hurt me he could've done that long ago" I explained "and now please....get your ass out of my classroom" I growled annoyed, glaring at him.

"I think that would be a good idea....unless you want me to kill you" I could hear Ikuto say. I looked to the side seeing Ikuto come in.

"Fine, fine" responded Habuto as he got up "I leave".

He left. Ikuto glared at him before coming closer, standing behind me. He peeked my head before gentle massaging mg neck gentle. It felt comforting and nice since I was really tensed. He usually noticed when I was exhausted and tried to comfort me.

"What did he want here?" Asked Ikuto slightly annoyed.

"Annoying me...." I responded looking up at Ikuto "I can understand why you don't like him" I giggled before getting up. I stretched myself out, loosening my body a bit.

"If he annoys you tell me..... I'm gonna kill him" he explained before gentle ringing my cheeks "the bags under your eyes are horrible.... you're not getting enough sleep?" He asked.

"Not really....Akira got sick and keeps me up all night" I explained with a slight frown.

"Want to stay at my place?" He asked sweetly.

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