Chapter 4

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Teachers privacy

[~•~Ikuto's view~•~]

"Seems like you've done it" laughed Kukai leaning back in his chair.

"'s been 3 days since 'Hinamori-sensai' last came to school" added Kairi.

"Its was obvious wasn't it?" I responded "no one could stay in out class for long" I added grinning.

We were hanging out at Tadases place. Mostly celebrating that Amu didn't came to school the past few days, since our little...let's call it fight.

I stayed a little longer, discussing with the guys what we should do with the next teacher. After a while everyone went home.

I took a strol trough twin, thinking I could get some fun tonight.

It was late, but still dozens of grils walking trough the streets. Woman were all the same, playing hard to get, but after just a few minutes they'd be all over me.

I already got bored from all the girls at school who threw them selfs at me. Funny would be if I'd see a mast girl who wouldn't just play hard to get. I never had such a challenge before.

Something small bumping in in my chest ripped me out of my thoughts. Confused I looked down seeing a mob of pink hair.

Soon a honey golden pair of eyes meet mine, staring at me with as much surprise as i did.

"Amu?" I asked a little shocked.

She was dressed in a short thin strapped dress with matching heels and black see-trough stockings. Her cheeks were painted in deep dark red.

"Huh...Ikuto-kun?" She asked surprised pushing herself up from me.

I could smell alcohol from her, and by now guessed she was drunk, due to her being unable to stay stright.

So teachers also have a funny private live,I thought as smirk made it's way on my face.

She looked up at me questioned while trying to stay straight. She was about to walk off so I grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her back to my chest.

"It wouldn't be good if some pervert crosses your way, maybe I should walk you home" I suggested keeping the grin on my face.

"Aren't you the most perverted creature in the universe you perverted hentai neko bastard" she said with one eyebrow up.

I lookex down at her surprised. She usually didn't talk like this.
She struggled her wrist out of my hand, wanting to walk away. But almost collapsed as I cached her again. She must be dead drunk at the moment.

I picked her up bridal style.

"You shouldn't walk in this you even know where you life?"  I asked.

"Of course I know I live" she looked puzzled at no where trying to remember where she lived "where do I life again" she muttered scratching the back of my head.

I muffled a laugh before walking off with her.

"Hey where are you taking me?" She asked me trying to sneak out of my arms.

"To a hotel"


"Good idea actually'

She tried struggling out of my arms while yelling at me. I threw her over my shoulder ,walking to a hotel and getting a room.

I went to the room with her, unlocking the door of it before throwing the pinkette on the bed.

.....why am I actually taking care of her. Its  not  my problem if she gets rapped by some idiot, I thought sweat-dropping.

The sound of shoes hitting the ground ripped me out of my thoughts. I turned around seeing Amu kicking of her shoes.

She slowly removed her stockings before searching with her hands on her back for a zipper.

...if I'd have something like tolerance I'd would end right at this moment.

I walked over to the bed before sitting down on the edge of the bed next to her side. She looked up at me surprised before I pushed my index finger on her forehead.

I pushed her down so she landed with her back on the bed.

"You're looking quite cute like that" I said putting my arms next to her other side, caging her so she could escape.

"You look cute ,too" she responded innocently as her blush turned darker.

I raised and eyebrow. She sure is honest when she's drunk. She chuckled while smiling up at gently.

"Whats that smile for?"

"Hm~ you know of all my students you're really the cutest one" she snickered ,poking by cheek gently.

She had such a innocent look on her face, I've never seen on girls before. Its hard finding such girls in these century since most of them act like bitches in heat.

"But I'm not your student anymore"

My eyes travelled down to her cute rosy lips. I gently brushed my thumb over them seeing her blush darken even more.

I leaned down stealing a kiss from her soft lips. She reacted surprised and even as our lips parted I could see sheer surprise in her face.

"That wasn't by an chance your first kiss......was it?" I asked with one eyebrow up.

"S-SO IS IT BAD IF IT WAS!?" She yelled at me blushing even more, of possible.

.......I meant it as a jokr as i called her a virgin.....BUT SERIOUSLY!? THATS THE FIRST VIRGIN I'VE MEET SINCE I LIVE HERE!!

"Hey! What's with you!"

I looked down at her seeing her having a worried expression.

She sat up leaning closer to my face, staring at me intensely. It confused at me, since well...I remember quite well how she pushed me away as I wanted to get a little closer.

Her face slowly moved closer to mine our lips meeting again. Her lips gently moved against mine while her fingers played with my hair.

Okay...end of self control....

I grabbed her by the waist pulling her closer as pushed her down on the bed. My lips travelled down to her neck biting it before I felt getting pushed away.

".....No..." she said crawling under the blanket.

"What!?" I asked confused.

"No...I said no. It tasted sweet that's why I tried it again....but I don't want to anymore" she said closing her eyes.

"Wait you're not going to sleep now are you?"


"You're not asleep are you?"


"You're going to pay for making me horny and then falling asleep" i muttered on her evilly. She grained before pushing my head away before nuzzling her face in the blanket.

There was a strange warmth building inside my body. I shock it off, gently cupping her cheek, feeling her lean against it in her sleep.

Well, if I already can't feel her whole body i can use her to warm me up in bed like that, I thought laying down in the bed next to her.

She slowly cuddled to my chest.

Just because she isn't my teacher I still could have my fun with her....


Heyo! I'm still alive!

So I finished my first story and now plan on updating my other stories one after another. So I'll update the story soon again. Maybe next week if school and jobs won't be in the way so much.

Thanks for reading♡
Please V+C+F
LUV !!YOU !!GUYS!!!♡♥♡♥


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