Chaptet 10

596 27 10

New students

[~•~Amu's view~•]

"I'm off guys" I said as I went outside and into my car. I yawned before starting my car and driving to school. My older brothers had their girlfriends over yesterday and I didn't get much sleep. Even thought earplugs are usually quitr useful they get useless because of my  brothers.

I liked my brothers girlfriends. Even if they used me as a dress up doll now and then. But I guess next time I go to a hotel. My brothers made be a coffee so I guess I'll be fine for the next few hours.

I got out of my car and went inside the school building. Amakawa-san said we'd get a few new students and one would be in my class. I wasn't really that excited. Anything was fine but a second Ikuto...

One Ikuto is more than enough for me to handle. I went inside my classroom. Everyone was there, even Ikuto who's usually late. He smirked at me making me blush a little. I shock it off.

I couldn't blush because of Ikuto in front of the whole class. Otherwise they'd think I'm weak against handsome guys like him.

"Ah, Hinamori-san. I'm glad I found you" said Amakawa-san as he entered the classroom. I sweat-dropped, where else should I be other than in my classroom.

"I wanted to bring you your new student" he responded before letting a girl enter my classroom. She was quite tall and had long blond hair, made up in two pigtails. She looked really gorgeous.

"What the? Who's that chick?" She asked shocked as she eyed me from up to down.

"Your teacher" responded Amakawa-san "I hope you get along" he said before going out. Everyone sweat-dropped.

"Hello, I'm Hinamori Amu. I'll be your teacher from now on" I greeted her with a smile.

"I'm Hoshina Utau..." she muttered still staring at me confused "how old are you?" She asked.

"Uh...16, please sit down" I sighed.

She took an empty seat next to Ikuto and his friends. Ikuto for some reason looked rather nervous and pale. Utau acted quite friendly with him. Maybe those two knew each other.

"We'll let's start now" I responded before starting the lesson. I felt stares hit my back every time I turned to the board. I just couldn't say if it were Ikuto's or Utau's.

Next lesson I would get another student. For some reason I had a really strange feeling about the second student. I have a good intuition so maybe that means it really will be something bad.

The first lesson ended fast and I waited for the next student. He was late. After a while finally someone came. I reacted shocked as I saw my brother Aki.

"Yo sis" he greeted me with a bright grin. I crossed my arms and glared at him.

"Aki...what are you doing here?" I asked annoyed while a vain pulsed on my forehead.

"Uh...I'm the new student" he responded sweat-dropping.

"Oh hell no! You're not!" I yelled.

"Sorry but yes. I wanted to go to another school were 80% of the students are girls. But Akihiko doesn't really trust someone's. That's why I'm here" he explained as he looked at Ikuto than back at me.

The vain on my head started pulsing harder as I rolled my sleeve up and hit my brother. He groaned in pain while holding his stomach. My students looked at me shocked.

"You, sit down now and be quite" I demanded "while you're in my class you'll be nothing like you usually are...or I swear you'll never graduate" I warned.

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