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*I don't even know what to name this God damned chapter, please help meeeeeeee*

[~•~Story view~•~]

"Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!" Furiously Amu yelled at her boyfriend as she stomped trigh the room, getting changed for the party. She was mad at him for suddenly kidnapping her in front of all her friends and family members. She didn't understand what gotten into him.

She didn't want to go home now since her brothers would be furious as well. And on top of that his parents saw it, too. She always wanted keep a good impression around them. And that....

Ikuto ignored her complains , laying on the bed while reading a manga and waiting for Amu to change. She threw gee cloths off before roaming in her bag and getting out a new dress.

She put on a short pink summer dress whichs straps she could tie around her back. She sat down in the bed while angrily pulling up her stocking. Ikuto starred at her as she put her boots on.

"Stop sitting there like a lazy ass potato and get your fucked up ass up and get fucked dressed!" Amu cursed  at Ikuto as he didn't budge. He still was dresses in his suit. Amu actually liked it to see him in a suit. But she didn't want him to ruin it while he was debunk

Sighing Ikuto got up and changed into a pair of jeans and slipped into a breaking Benjamin shirt. Amu carefully watched him,  observing his muscles moving. She blushed as she bit her bottom lip. Ikuto noticed her stare, letting a small smirk appear on his lips.

After putting on a hoodie he creeped closer to Amu. She backed away embarrassesd. But honestly. Creeping off on a king sized bed is a rather messy way of fleeing.

He pinned her down fast as his smirk widened. He understood that Amu was annoyed. But he knew she couldn't be mad at him for long. Amu was a rather clingy girlfriend. And since he'd fly off with his family tomorrow afternoon he knew she'd want to spend some more time with him.

"Don't be angry now. You know I find it cute when you act this stubborn" joking he nuzzled his head into her neck in a cat like way. With a huffing sound Amu pushed Ikuto off. She didn't want to let him have his way again that easily.

After getting up both went to meet with their friends. They had decided to go to the party all together so they meet up before. Amu was walking close with the girl as Ikuto tailed behind her. Even if he liked her stubborn attitude he was slosky getting annoyed by it. It seemed that she now had to be taught a lesson.

"Even if a little stubbornness is cute, a lot is annoying...." Muttered Ikuto "if you don't stop that behavior I'm gonna spend the day with the guys and you can enjoy yourself" he warned. Amu raised her eyebrow. She didn't think he meant it serious. She thought he was bluffing.

"Do what you want" she responded, crossing her eyes as she avoided his gaze again. The friends watched as if a drama was running on TV. Even if drama in friendships shouldn't be amusing. The fact that it was drama between Ikuto and Amu was what made it interesting.

From that moment Amu actually noticed that Ikuto didn't bluff. He was just as serious as her. But she couldn't get weak now. Otherwise he'd never learn his lesson.

They finally arrived at the lake. Most of the other classmates had already arrived. A few were grilling for everyone while others only tried to get the others drunk. A few were already drunk. And it wasn't even late evening by now.

Amu found it quite amusing. She knew she didn't always have to be around to Ikuto to have fun. She could have some on her own. Yet she couldn't believe that he didn't even glance at her for a second.

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