Part 2

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Alex settled down in his dorm finding it immensely satisfiable that he had the dorm room for himself and not having it shared with anyone else like the rest of them. The empty bed next to his was left untouched and Alex used it for his friends to hang around his room.

Alex was a person who everyone finds it easy to be friends with. He is always cheerful, bringing smiles to everyone in the room and fits in every group there is on campus. The first week he already made friends and rolled himself in swimming team since he loves to swim. He met this guy James whom also part of the swimming team and he is in second year and currently studying business major while Alex in his law major. He always wanted to be lawyer and his father is part of the reason why he wanted to pursue this course.

Although through the divorce he never resent his parents for what happened. He still has good relationship with his father despite he lives miles away now from him. After the divorce his father decides to move to New York and his mother stayed in Texas with June, as a teacher,  which is the reason why he was glad at least someone will be there for his mum when he is miles away.

Among all the people he made friends with, there is one person he found that he was more comfortable with which is Nora and she is in psychology major. The moment they met, instantly they clicked and felt like they are better half split from one. Everyone thought they were a couple since they are practically glued to each other hips through every event. Alex loves to tease the people around him and gave them what they want and sometimes, he would pretend Nora is actually his girlfriend although he knew Nora never had eyes on him but she played along feeling the heat coming from everyone else who wished they are with Alex.

So here they are in his dorm room while he typed away in his laptop for his assignment and Nora on the empty bed doing her course work. They love studying together especially Nora is super smart to Alex's knowing and she always gave him a good insight. Always the calm in Alex's life and the voice of his conscience.

"I heard there's a new kid coming. Some international brood." She says and Alex scoffed at her. "Since when did Nora Hollaren listened to gossip? But - a brood is right, these international students are always so cocky and act so entitled just because they are filthy rich while we are stuck here in our scholarship working our ass off to get here." Alex says sipping into his coffee before he pressed his fingers on the keyboard again. Nora sighed turning her body on the side to face Alex on the bed next to her.

"Hey!" She tossed the pen over him and it shook him before he glared at her, "What?!" He yelled and she raised her eyebrow at him. "I'm not James, you don't have to pretend to be a jock around me. Plus, who knows, this international brood is actually worth making friends with. I heard he is loaded and even got an extension before he'd even started his class." Nora continued rambling about this person while Alex ignored her. If her intention is to get to know a rich person to ease her way into college then Alex is here not making any judgement.

It wasn't until James barged into Alex's room frantic and excited that made Nora rolled her eyes at him. "Speak of the devil himself" Nora mutters and Alex glared at her to stop, "Yo! You gotta join us! We're trashing this room for that Brit kid. He thinks he is so entitled he get to have private dorm. Let's see if he can live there after we trashed them." He says and Nora clicked her tongue at him in annoyance. "Hence, I rest my case." She pointed at Alex and he smiled shaking his head at her gesture. 

"Sup Nora. Looking good." He flirted but Nora found it hard to believe cause James seems to be attracted to Alex more than her and she knows the way he eyed men more than women and the way he used his gesture being brotherly is actually a bit gay but no one dares to point out to him afraid he might hurt them.

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