Part 3

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Alex heard the ruffling noise coming from the outside window and knows that it's morning. It's good thing that he didn't have the morning class today but he did promised Nora for a coffee for breakfast so he sighed yawning while rubbing his eyelid with his finger. The moment his view of the room became clear, he was stunt to see the certain blonde lying down on the bed across from his.

His eyebrow furrowed at the thought of him in his bedroom, is he lost? He thought. He saw the luggage right at the end of his bed and noticed the Union Jack flag sticker at the bottom of his case luggage and Alec can feel himself fumed in anger. "Fuck you James!" He cursed under his breath and the guy starts to turn to his side facing Alex.

He stopped and can't help gawking at the guy in front of him. He is handsome, almost look like a prince. His blonde hair gloom under the rays that shine from the window behind him. His pale skin might look sickly but he is probably tired from all the journey. His swollen eyelid made him looks exhausted but he still looks so beautiful. His eyes caught staring at Henry's lips, that luscious lips of his and Alex wonders if he is a good kisser.

Alex wonders why he is thinking about this guy this way. He knew he was attracted to both guy and girls but not in the way he described Henry in his head. The things that he'd imagined about Henry make him wanted to take the cold shower and that's what he intended to do.

So he jumped out from his bed and grabbed his towel heading to his communal shower to starts his day. But to his luck, his foot caught up in one of Henry's bag and he tripped himself before he fell down right on top of Henry in bed.

Henry groaned at the sudden weight fell on top of him and when he opened his eyes, he was met with the guy he saw sleeping next to his bed yesterday right on top of him. Their eyes locked and Henry can see the deep shade brown eyes under his curly eyelashes with his long arms caged him in between. His long thighs pressed in between Henry's legs and they both stared at each other in that position for what it felt like forever.

"Uhmm-" Alex starts still had his arm caged in between Henry's body not sure what to say right now to make this less awkward. He can almost feel how fast his and this guy's heart racing but he couldn't help but stares at his golden hazel eyes with his mouth gaped apart staring back at him. "What the fuck! Get off-" Henry pushes him off his body and Alex had to smile at his gesture pulling the blanket over his chest. Only then he realized that Henry is not wearing any shirt underneath the blanket.

"What are you smirking at you weirdo?" Henry yells and Alex pressed his lips together before he sat on his legs right at the edge of Henry's bed. "I'm the weirdo? You're the one who covers up like a girl?" His eyes travel down Henry's body and his eyebrow crooked at his gesture. "Stop that!" Henry kicked him on his legs from under his blanket and Alex laughs before he stood.

"If you don't have your stuffs lying around like this, I won't be tripping and fell on you. Blame yourself before you blame others." He says before he grabbed his towel that fell on the floor. He saw Henry still holding on to the blanket and his eyes stares at the luggage by the end of the bed before he replied to him. "I was too exhausted and my room was trashed. They had to bunk us together until they can find a room for me." Henry explained which Alex sighed not interested at his explanation.

"Well looks like you're stuck here with me, Your Majesty. For the mean time, pick up your shit and stop cluttering my room." He tossed one of Henry's shoes on the floor towards him on the bed. Henry caught the shoes before it hit him on his face and finally dropped the blanket from his chest. Alex can't help staring at his naked bare chest and couldn't hide the smirk form on his face for staring at the broad muscular build that he has. "Stop staring!" Henry tossed the shoe back at Alex but he dodged it with laughter escape his throat.

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