Part 17

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They both sat silently while Danny drove and Henry couldn't even look at Danny right now and Danny felt the tension grew in between them in the car. Henry noticed when Danny took a different turned and headed to an abandoned road that he didn't knew where it was headed and starts to panic. "Where are you taking me?" He asks and Danny pressed his lips together gripping over the steering wheels turning his knuckles white.

"I have to show you something. It's a surprise." He says and Henry could feel his heart thumping in his chest and his throat tightened. "Let me out." Henry says trying to open the car door but failed since it was auto lock and Danny smirked at his attempt. "LET ME OUT!" Henry screamed and Danny sighed before he turned over the corner into another abandoned road and as he was leading them both, Henry can see an old abandoned house at the end and he felt fear creeping inside of him.

"I told you I want to show you something." He says before he finally breaks and put his car on park. He eyed Henry next to him edging towards the door as far as he could so he could escape but the bastard had disabled his car door to be open from the inside so Henry couldn't escape. "Please." Henry begs and Danny sighed before he opened his door and get out.

Henry eyed him circled around the car before he went to his side of the door and the moment he opened it, Henry ran frantically but Danny is the athletic one so he managed to catch Henry in time before he could escape. "Listen to me. You can't run away anywhere, there is literally nothing beyond this woods and you would get lost or get eaten by coyote. So choose. Either you listen to me or I let you run and maybe fell into a hole or something."

Henry eyed his surrounding taking a mental image in his mind hoping he would recognized any exit the same way they came through but it was too dark and the woods looks almost the same at night. The only light that shine above him was from the moonlight but it wasn't enough and Henry didn't exactly wanted to die this way so he obeyed. Slowly he relaxed in Danny's arms and stood in the middle of nowhere with him behind him. At this moment Henry wanted to scream, he wanted to yell at himself for being this stupid and for not listening to Alex for a starter.

He felt Danny's arm turning him around to face him and tears flooded Henry's eyes as he stares into Danny's blue orbs. "Please don't kill me." Henry begs and he can see Danny smiles at his words made him wanted to crawl into a hole and hides there. "I'm not gonna kill you Hen but you need to know something." He starts before his palm cupped Henry's both cheek and he had to bend his knees a bit to meet Henry's eyes.

"Do not believe anyone that was nice to you on purpose. There is no such thing as kindness without returned. No one is that stupid to believes that a person can fell in love within one day, not even a hopeless romantic one." Henry tears fell on his cheek right above Danny's thumb and he pressed Henry's cheek tighter inflicting pain over Henry's jaw.

"Not even you. You had doubts and you almost got away. If only you had a choice." He whispered closely to Henry's face as he cried further and starts pulling him by his wrist dragging him inside the house.

Henry protest at first but the moment he got inside, it was beyond what he had imagined. The house had spacious foyer with a staircase right in the middle headed to the second floor and the walls are ripped apart, torn wallpapers that had collected dust over the years being abandoned. Henry flinched when Danny slammed the door closed and Henry waited patiently for his intention on bringing him here.

"You know, I used to have this kind of house growing up. That house was also filled with loves, hope and memories. Until my father decides to cheat on my mother and ruined their perfect marriage, sending me to a boarding school because they don't know how to deal with me while being divorced." Danny says for a start and Henry eyed him twirling around his fingers around the wallpapers and stops right at the bannister turning his face over Henry's.

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