Part 36

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Alex never felt this frustrated in his life before. He wanted to run, he wanted to sprint like he used to but being in his cast had prevented him to do such action. He wished he could fly up to the third floor to see Henry immediately as he could but he can't. He saw his frustration matches Phillip next to him since they were stuck in the car heading back to the hospital. He bet he wished his helicopter is here right now to fetch him rather than stuck behind a traffic light or a traffic jam.

The moment they saw Shan standing in the middle of the hallway Alex could feel his heart thumping faster than earlier. He anticipated this more than he should earlier but somehow looking at his face had prove him wrong.

"I'm so sorry, I'm really am sorry." He starts holding out his palm for Phillip but not to plead for his forgiveness but rather stopping him from entering Henry's room. "Why? What happened to my brother?" He yelled and Alex could feel the heat of anger radiate through him. He knows Phillip never meant to raise his voice at him, among any other people, especially at him.

"I was not here when it happened. I was out to buy lunch and when I returned-" Shan stopped himself and they could see tears breaking in his eyes pleading to fall.

"What?" Alex asks stepping closer next to Phillip and Shan had his hand clasped together. "Henry pulled his breathing tube and he was hypoxic for quite awhile before they found him." Alex could feel his whole world came crushing down like thunder in the middle of Austin rain. He remembered how scared he was at those time but nothing matches his fear now for Henry.

He never thought Henry would do such thing and his thought went to him suffocating in his own breaths alone, with no one besides him.

"Why aren't the nurses noticed what happened with him? He was supposed to be monitored. He's in the ICU damn it!" Phillip yelled and Shan nodded, "There was another patient that coded and everyone was inside that room, unaware what's happening outside when it happened." He explained and Alex had yet muted, he couldn't find words forming in his lips to even explained what he's feeling right now.

Only then he gathered all his courage to finally asks, "How long?" He asks and their eyes turned at him before they turned their gaze back at Shan. "I don't know." Shan whispered with his breaking voice.


It took them almost an hour later after they'd arrived to finally see the doctor came out and they all stood before her. She sighed longly in exhaustion before her fingers scratches her temple. "I gotta say he is one stubborn Fox." He says and Phillip broke. "Is he okay?" He asks and she smiled softly, "Amazingly, yeah? Took us a while to stabilize him but he refused to be sedated again."

There were gasped of relieve coming from each and every one of them and to Alex, he is still not convinced otherwise. "So he is alright to be awake?" He asks her hoping that she would say otherwise just so he could fill the void deep in his stomach.

"I will answer that question with what he just told me." She starts clearing her throat before she continued. "If I would placed a fucking tube down his throat again, he would shoved that tube so far up in my ass and I won't be able to sit down for weeks."

The sudden burst of laughter escapes them including Alex and Phillip but Alex couldn't held himself any longer. He limped towards Henry's room opening the door abruptly followed by Phillip and his mother with Nora and Shan followed after finding Henry is in bed no longer with tube strapped over his lips and cheek.

But he was asleep when Alex entered and the moment he sat by his bedside cupped his palm over Henry's cheek, his eyes flustered opened and he breathes in sharply surprised by his touch.

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