Part 32

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"It's a hit. They got a match. Apparently their fingerprints are in the system for the DUI arrest and couple of assaults. They are bringing him soon." Phillip says the next morning after he arrived with coffee in his hand. Their eyes landed on both Alex and Henry over the bed the moment they walked into the room. They all watched how Henry still sleeping on Alex's chest, but Alex is wide awake with his arm wrapped around Henry.

"You know that we paid both beds so you can sleep comfortably right?" Ellen told him and Alex sighs pressing his finger over his nose bridge. "Henry had another nightmare. Woke up screaming, again." He said and his voice is hoarse.

"Here I thought he could finally catch some break." Phillip says placing his coffee down on the table and stood by Henry side. He eyed his brother still sleeping in Alex's arms before he stroked his back. "Hen?" He tried waking him up but Henry still fast asleep. "It's okay, let him sleep." Alex wrapped his arm tighter around Henry earning him a groaned finally awake.

"Morning Hen." Phillip says and he can see Henry is trying to adjust his eyes towards the light in the room. He rubbed his eyes wincing at the pain over his head and it made Phillip's eyebrow furrowed. "Hen, you okay?" He asks and Henry swallowed his throat dryly before he tried to get up from Alex's embrace.

"My head hurts." His voice whispered hoarsely with his eyes barely opened and Alex stroked Henry's back with his worried eyes staring deeply at him. "You sure you okay?" He asks and Henry nods his head at him before he tried to get up from the bed. Phillip eyed him wobbling himself to his own bed making Phillip hold on to his arm preventing him from fall and he could feel Henry is different this morning. He could see him tried his best to keep his head straight but halfway from Alex's bed, he knees folds and he almost fell on the floor.

Luckily for Henry, Phillip is already by his side when he almost stumbled so he caught him and Shan jumped to his other side to help him back to bed.

"Hen, hey look at me. What is it?" Phillip cupped his cheek and he can see Henry swayed before Shan helped him rested his head on the pillow. "Pip." Henry called with his broken voice raising his hand at him, "I'm here, I'm right here Hen." He clasped his hand with Henry's trembling one.

"Something's wrong. My head hurts." He whispered and Ellen already stood closer to Phillip side with her face crooked into worries. "Let me call the nurse." Oscar offered before he sprinted out from the room. "Henry." Alex called already holding on to the edge of his own bed trying to peak through the crowd over Henry's body. "Stay there Alex, don't get out of bed." Ellen told him and he couldn't help worrying about Henry's condition.

Seconds ago Henry is sleeping in his arm and now he is lying on his bed and Alex getting anxious the further he waited. The nurses barged in the room followed by few other nurses after Oscar called them and they immediately working on Henry. One of the nurse took his vitals and Alex witnessed how the monitor beeping loudly at Henry's heart rate.

"I don't like how high his blood pressure is." The nurse says after examining him with Phillip stood by the end of the bed, "We might need another scan." She told them and he nodded thanking her. Few minutes later the doctor barged in the room to examine Henry and she confirmed them in taking Henry to another scan.

"I don't want to worry anyone but I'm afraid the bleed might spread further so we will see after the scan if he needs surgery." She explained and Phillip couldn't help gripped Henry's hand tighter. "Do whatever you need to do." He told her and they all started arranging for Henry's transfer.

"Hen, you're gonna be fine, alright. We will all wait for you." Phillip gripped Henry's legs over the blanket when the nurse starts pushing his bed out from the room.

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