Part 13

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A/N: I'm so sorry for the poor portrayal of the gay relationship. I don't and I have never known what real sex taste like so this is strictly from my research and purely my imagination. Don't be mad at me for this. 

The whole day Alex had spent his time lifting weights, running on treadmills and go back to lifting more weights so he could forget the look on Henry's face but somehow it made it worst. He could feel the stretched muscle over the pit of his stomach and he swore he wanted to vomit when he thought about it. Henry's glistening eyes, his trembling lips, his throat bobbed up and down as he swallowed repeatedly. Everything about him makes his heart hurts. He threw the weight over the ground hard before he grabbed his water bottle and chug on it.

The sweet taste of his energy drink didn't make his heart settles and the only thing he can do right now is talk to Henry but he knows Henry won't want to talk about it. He would rather run and hides away into a cave somewhere rather than confronted him.

His thoughts were interrupted by the buzzing noise in his gym bag and he pulled out the zipper for his phone. He stares at the screen showing his mum's face calling him and he sighed longly. He didn't want to pick up and talk to his mum but he kind of misses her and they hadn't spoken in a while since his sudden absence from their home.

On the final sound, he finally slides the screen to answer and put it over his ear before he sat down on the bench facing the wall mirror before him.

"Alex?" His mother's sweet southern voice echoed in his speaker and he can almost feel his tears brimming. "Mum." His voice croaked unkowingly and he can hear Ellen sighs in relieved after she heard his voice.

"Alex I'm so sorry. Please, oh please forgive me." Ellen starts and Alex inhaled sharply nodding. "I'm sorry too." He says and he knows how much this is hurting his mother. "Are you okay? Do you have enough money?" Ellen asks and Alex chuckled at her. "Yeah, dad gave me enough and his credit card." Ellen laughs softly at him. "Well, he should." Alex felt the awkward silenced fell between them again. He felt guilty for ruining his mother's dinner and runs away like that and he knows how childish he was for doing it.

"Mum, I'm really sorry about everything. It's just Oscar-" Alex couldn't finish his sentence before his mother interrupted him. "Oscar and I broke up our engagement." Alex could almost feel like the word hit him like a slap on his face. He never thought he would ruined his mother's relationship like this. "Wait, what?" He asks shifting in his seat waiting for his mother to reply.

"If we can't sit for a normal dinner, what makes you think I would let him in our lives knowing we won't be able to be a family. If having him means losing you, then I rather chose you. You are my son. My blood. I would choose you in a heartbeat." Alex felt the pain stabbing him right in his chest knowing how he ruined his mother's lives for being this immature.

"Mum, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean too. I swear. He seems like a good guy." He apologized again knowing it won't change the fact that their relationship has already ruined. "Well, you never know." Ellen replies shortly and Alex could hear how she is hurting behind her words. "Well, he can cook. That's for a start." Ellen silenced for a while before she spoke again. "He cooked a lot since his late wife got cancer. He learned every recipe he could to make her happy until the day she dies. He never cooked since, until - he met me."

Alex ruffled his fingers over his curly hair feeling his headache coming. "Mum, I'm really really am sorry. I wish I could do something to fix this." Alex offered but his mum sighs, "Sometimes things just don't work out. No matter how much we want to make it work." The words hits Alex deep in his heart and his mind immediately went to Henry.

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