Part 6

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Alex waited for almost two hours feeling his legs getting numb for sitting on the floor with Henry in his lap. He tried to adjust himself and finally saw Henry slowly flutters his eyes opened and the moment he did, his eyes landed at Alex staring down at him. "Hey, you're awake." Alex says and Henry tried to get up from his lap but felt dizzy as soon as he did. Alex helped him to sit up and he leaned against the bed feeling his head heavier than usual.

Alex grabbed the water bottle from Henry's side of the bed and handed to him. He eyed his gestured before he shakily grabbed the bottle from Alex's hand and tried to open the cap. Alex can see the way his hand flexed painfully like every single joints muscle in his hand hurts him as he moves, so he grabbed the bottle from his grip and helped to uncap the lid off and held it over Henry's lips. "The way you breathing earlier, I bet your throat is as dry as sand right now. Drink."

Henry stares at him weakly before he took a sip and Alex eyed as his throat bobbed up and down before Henry nods at him. "Call your brother. He's worried." He says and Henry shook his head at him before he shut his eyes and his tear run down on his cheek. "Henry, don't worry, there is nothing to be ashamed off. I'm not gonna tell anyone about this. But your brother is worried, don't leave it at that." He says but Henry still wouldn't dare to look at him. He had his head turned to his side and Alex knew he tried to hide his shame from him.

"Call him." Alex handed Henry his phone and he eyed his hand before he grabbed it and pressed on the call button waiting to be yelled at by Phillip.

"Henry?! Are you alright?! What happened?" Phillip yelled over the speaker and Henry inhaled sharply before he exhaled. "I'm sorry Pip." He apologized before he broke into tears. "Oh Hen. I'm so sorry. Please tell me you alright. I was this close to board the plane now." Phillip sounded serious although Henry knows that he might have done it if Henry didn't call him for the next hours.

"I'm okay- for now." He says and his eyes darted towards Alex across from him. He eyed Henry cautiously letting him know that he is here as a friend. "Didn't you take your medication?" He asks him and Henry contemplated whether or not he should say anything seeing Alex is few feet away from him hearing his conversation. "Henry?" Phillip ask again and it brought Henry attention back to him.

"I'm all out." He says and he can hear Phillip sighed longly at him. "Hen it was supposed to last you for the next four months. You barely got into three and now it's finished?" Phillip told him and Henry sighed feeling the heaviness in his heart grew for disappointing Phillip. "Why didn't you tell me it got worst?" Phillip asks after Henry didn't reply him. "I'm sorry, I just don't want you to worry." Henry says but it made Phillip furious at his words, "Well I'm worried now damn it! What if you got hurt?" Phillip yelled over the phone and Alex couldn't help to hear his voice even when he is not on speaker.

"You can't protect me forever Pip." Henry whispered his last words that made Phillip silenced and Alex can see a single tear fell on Henry cheek. "Bye." Henry cut off the call and tossed his phone to the side as Alex stares at him. He had his arms crossed over his stomach and his knees bended. He leaned his forehead against his knees as Alex stayed there staring at him trying to figure out how to talk to him after what happened.

"Henry, if you didn't want to talk to anyone, at least talk to me." Alex starts and Henry finally looked up from his knees. "Thanks but no." Henry replies shortly and Alex sighed before he sat up and crawled to his side leaning his body against the bed. Henry shifted a little to the side parting him and Alex in between. "If you don't want to talk about it at least tell me who hurt you?"

Henry finally turned to his side and he felt for the first time in months, they finally locked eyes at each other. "You know who." Henry whispered and Alex clenched his jaw tight at the thought of the one person he had in his mind. "Fucking James." Henry nods before turning his gaze back forward. "Is that why you wake up so early? To avoid James?" Alex asks and Henry nods weakly and somehow it made Alex smiled.

InsufferableOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora