Part 27

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Sorry for the long chapter.

"Hen, wake up."


"Wake up buddy. We're gonna be late."

"Henry." Alex voice echoed like a whisper in the wind.

"Alex?" Henry mumbled in his sleep feeling the shakes in his bed as he flutters his eyes opened. He could feel the buzzing noise next to him, or maybe is it inside his head. Henry felt his eyes strained at the lights shining from the window next to his side. His head is practically squeezed all together and he could feel his stomach is reaching up to his throat. His lips felt dryer than sand and his whole mouth felt like he swallowed an actual cotton.

"Hey, come on." Bea soft voice woke him up and he flutters his eyes wider and saw that she is dressed in her formal maternity dress ready for the day.

"Are you feeling alright?" She asks pressing the back of her palm against Henry's forehead but she couldn't feel any sign of fever just Henry is a little bit - disoriented this morning. "Maybe you should stay in today, get some rest." She says pulling the blanket higher up Henry's chest but he pushed it away and tried to raise himself up on the bed feeling the dizziness worsen as he straightened his body.

"N-No. Please. Don't leave me here." He says earning Beatrice a confused look especially when he's holding on to her arm like his life depend on it. "I'll be ready in ten minutes." He promised and Bea saw how he struggled to steady himself up on the floor and almost took a tumble on the sides of the bed before Bea caught him. "No, Henry you're not well. Better stay in today okay." She told him and carefully let him sit on the edge of the bed.

"No, Bea, please. Don't leave me here. Take me with you." Henry begs holding on to her arm and she finds it strange for Henry to acted this way but in her mind, probably due to the nightmares he had and she didn't want him to lock himself up like he did these past days and actually proud that he insisted on following her to work.

"Okay. I'll wait for you downstairs alright?" She asks tapping him on his shoulder and he nods. After Bea left the room. Henry made a beeline to the bathroom and locked himself inside. The first thing he did was hurling over the toilet and vomited literally everything inside his stomach.

He could feel something is wrong with him but he couldn't figure out why he woke up like this. After he felt like his stomach is empty enough for him not to hurled, he flushes the content away and headed straight into the shower to freshen himself up.

The cold shower actually helps but it didn't help him much with his headache and his dry throat. He could feel like he can drink a liter of water in one sip.

By the time he left his room to find Bea in the kitchen, he immediately grab the pitcher of water on the table and poured himself a glass of water and gulped it down in seconds. "Slow down buddy. You're gonna choke." Phillip taps him on his shoulder but Henry won't budge. He poured another and gulped it all in one sips. He could see the curious look on both Bea and Pip's face next to him and their mother smiles sheepishly by the end of the table. "Did someone had a party last night and didn't invite me?" She says and Henry slammed the glass down on the table startling everyone in the dining area except for his mother.

"Shut up!" He told her and she smirked before she sips on her Bloody Mary. "What's going on?" Phillip asks and Henry shook his head frantic, "N-Nothing. Let's go." He pointed at Bea whom already stood up and was about to leave the dining hall when his mother's word stops them. "I'll see you later." She said in a singsongy tone which annoyed Henry further.

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