Part 30

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Alex loves the feeling of Henry's warmth radiates besides him in his arm. He couldn't help tearing up feeling his used build figure are much lighter and he could see the hollow cheek and his drained sleepless eyes that changed Henry entire looks. The way his waist dip deeper in his palm unlike how it used to feel when Alex's palms cupped Henry's waist, he swore the softness of Henry's skin would kill him right there on the spot.

But he couldn't deny the fact that although how much things had changed, their feelings still remained the same towards each other. His heart broke when his fingers traced the line of Henry's wrist wrapped around in a bandage and he tried not to sob at the thought.

He sighed wrapping his arm tighter pulling Henry closer to his side and pressed his lips deeper onto Henry's temple earning him a moan in his sleep. "Good morning." Alex whispers and Henry looked up meeting his gaze. Alex could see the tiredness in his eyes but somehow his face is more relaxed after that hours of sleep. "Morning." Henry whispered back not care about the time is basically three in the evening at the moment.

Their eyes locked in each other when Henry finally breaks and starts to move away but Alex wrapped him tighter. "Stay." He whispered and Henry relaxed back in his arm, staring into Alex's eyes, studying the stare on his gaze, lost deeper into Henry's hazel eyes. The way his sharp nose split in between and somehow it seems connected into the depth of his cupid bow and his lips, the one that Henry had one of few dreams about it, how he craved the feeling of his lips for weeks now. But somehow that lips always scares Henry the most especially in his dreams.

He didn't realized he was swallowing his throat dryly when Henry felt Alex leaned closer to his lips but he retorts back. "Don't." He whispered and Alex could see his eyes watered as he said those word. "I can't." He adds and Alex nods understand exactly what he meant by that. "I know. I'm sorry." Alex apologized and sighed pressing his arm behind his neck.

He knows how Henry still feels about physical intimacy even though Alex is the only person that could touch him freely but deep inside, Henry still traumatized by the feeling of someone touching him, hugging him and more kissing him. They were both silent with hands still intertwined and eyes gaze on each other when Henry broke the silence.

"What happened?" Henry finally asks with his eyes stares down on Alex's braced legs propped up on the pillow. "You know exactly what happened." Alex replied and Henry can feel the anger in his tone. Henry sighed propping himself up and turned letting his legs dangled on the side of the bed.

"You shouldn't get involved Alex. This isn't your problem to be meddling with." Henry said softly with his head tilted towards the ceiling above him and he could feel Alex raised himself higher against his bed crossing his arm over his stomach. "Damn right it isn't! But again you're the stubborn one remember? If you would have just listen to me, none of these would have happened." Alex yelled and Henry gripped the bedside tighter before he stood abruptly attempted to leave.

"SEE! Prove my point Henry! You are nothing but a coward! People fucked your life and yet you are hiding away and for what?! They won't stop! Don't be stupid Hen! You are not their first and definitely not their lasts!" Alex yelled and Henry stood in the middle of the room feeling his heart beating rapidly against his chest. He palmed his hand over his shirt wanted to ease the feeling but he knows nothing would.

"You're right. I am a coward. I was afraid to face them because the last thing they told me that if anyone finds out about this, God knows what they might do to you. And now look at you." Henry said with tears flooded his eyes as he stares at Alex on the bed. He could see the furious look on Alex's face falls and it changed into regret.

"I don't care how many people wanted to hurt me even the people I cared about hurts me but I can't handle if they hurt you because of me Alex. So yes, call me a coward, I don't care. Call me useless, call me stupid all you want, I rather die than seeing you got hurt Alex." It hurts Alex to hear Henry said those words and he knew for a fact, that he did try to kill himself before and he wasn't there to save him. 

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