Part 4

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"What took you so long? I almost left." Nora chirps when she saw Alex finally joins her in the Java's and immediately he grabbed her cup of coffee and took a sip. "Hey! Get your own." She snapped slapping him on his wrist but he smiled either way. "I met him." He simply says after placing the cup down on the small plates and began eating the croissant that she ordered for her which earned him another slap. "Who?" She asks eagerly and Alex smirked at her.

"The international brood." He says and Nora's eyes widen upon hearing his words. "Tell me! Is he handsome?" She asks and Alex smirked wider leaning against the chair with his arm up on the chair next to him. "Well he is. But, I got the feeling that he is broken on the inside." He can see Nora cocked her head to the side confused at his words. "What do you mean?" The waiter came and took Alex's order interrupting them both from their conversations.

"Hey Alex." The waiter, Miguel smiles sheepishly at him and he returned his smiled equally. "Bueno dias Miguel, como estas?" He asks earning Miguel another grinning smile. "Bien, I miss you." He says earning Nora an eye rolled. "Well I have been busy. You know, classes and all." He replied and Miguel lingered around making Nora annoyed at his presence. She never did like him and she knows that he didn't like her too. Especially when Alex always pretended she is his girlfriend just to make them jealous.

"Are you done? Cause if you want to flirt I might as well leave. Cause it's going to make me actually vomit." She says and was about to pack her stuffs to leave but Alex stops her. "Just a coffee on the go Miguel. The usual. Oh! Make it two. Also wrapped me some croissants and the muffin too." Alex began ordering more than usual and it got Nora suspicious. Miguel on the other hand glared at her before leaving them both alone.

"Why are you being so pissy this morning?" Alex finally asks her and she rolled her eyes at him, "Why are you being cheery this morning?" She asks back and he smiled staring at the people on the side walk. "I think our British friend is gay." He says and Nora eyes grew wider with her mouth gaped apart. "Damn. Why is everyone gay nowadays? It's hard to stay straight and not being single anymore." She cursed grabbing her coffee mug and took a sip.

"You'll meet someone one day, I'm sure." He reassured her and she shook her head at him. "What's your plan for today?" She asks and Alex turned to check on his phone in his hand. "I don't have classes today so I think I'm going to bring our Brits friend for a walk around. You know, show him the ground." Nora raised her eyebrow at him from behind her cup.

"You? The guy who got lost every time they came back from the frat house?" She asks and Alex smirked, "It was different, I am sober now compared to that time." He defended and Nora shook her head in disbelief. "Well I got class, I'll see you tonight?" She asks and Alex nodded, "You bet." Nora peck him a kiss on his temple before took her leave and Alex can't stop smiling. Miguel came by bringing Alex's order and placed the on the table before Alex withdraw some dollars and paid him.

"Keep the change." He says and Miguel smiled wider at his generosity. "Hey if you don't have anything to do today, maybe we can hang out." Miguel tried his luck and truthfully Alex never thought of him that way. Miguel is just a casual hook up for Alex and by the time Alex realized how deeply Miguel into him, he regretted being introduced to him.

"Uhh, sorry Miguel, I have things to do today. Maybe later though." He says grabbing the coffee and the pastry in his hand before he sneaked out from the cafe and rushed out waving him goodbye. He returned the wave although Alex can see how devastated he is at Alex for declining his offer - again.

Alex sprinted back to the dorm with a smile on his face and the moment he stepped into his bedroom, he was bummed when he saw Henry is not there. He sighed placing the coffee and the pastry down on the table by the window and sat himself on the chair leaning his chin over his folded arm and waited.

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